Telling Harry the Truth

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It was the day after the second task and I was going to tell Harry the truth. About Draco and I, I knew he wouldn't take it will. That made me really sad, but I knew it had to be done. I didn't want to keep a secret from Harry. He already knew I had been friends with Draco for a year and he was fine with it.

I went downstairs and saw Harry waiting for me. I grabbed his hand and lead him out of the common room. He didn't say anything as I lead him to the Astronomy tower.

I turned to him and said "want I'm about to say you may not like. You might hate me afterwards, but please don't interrupt me" I was already nearly crying. Harry nodded and said he wouldn't interrupt me. I made two chairs appear and we sat down facing each other.

I explained everything while looking at the ground avoiding my brothers gaze. "You know Draco and I have been friends for a year now. That we went to the ball together as friends. But want you don't know is that Draco and I went on a date. It was the Valentine's day weekend. Draco asked me to be his girlfriend and I agreed. We then kissed."

When I finished I was crying silently worried about Harry's reaction. But want he did surprised me. He pulled me into a tight hug and said "I can see how happy you are with Malfoy. I won't stop you from dating him. I love you sis and I only want you to be happy. But if he ever hurts you I'll kill him" he promised me.

I nodded and pulled away from him. Harry wiped my tears away and gave me a warm smile. I gave him a smile told him "Draco would never hurt me. You don't know his soft and caring side, but I do. I promise if he ever hurts me I'll turn him into a ferret like Professor Moody did" we laughed at that.

I told Harry that only Ginny, Hermione and Draco's friend Blaise know of our relationship. And we want it to stay that way until we finish school. Harry said he wouldn't tell anyone, not even Ron. Who was his best friend since he started Hogwarts.

When we got to the common room I sent Draco a letter. Telling Harry gave us his blessing, but that he'd kill him if he hurt me. I gave it to Jean to deliver. I sat on my bed and started to play with Gwen. As we hadn't played together in a while.

But Hermione came in with Ginny and they wanted to know how Harry took the news. I told them everything and then I started to tease Hermione about Victor. Ginny laughed as she watched us patting a now sleeping Gwen.

I had a relaxing bath as I hadn't had one in ages. It was so relaxing I nearly fell asleep. But Ginny knocked on the door and I got out of the tub. I got into my pj's and looked out to the forest.

I decided tomorrow would be a me day. I would run around the forest as a doe with Gwen and Jean. Then go and visit Firenze to catch up with him. Before I went to sleep I blocked my mind and dreamed of a flowery meadow.

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