It was time for the final task of the tournament which was a maze. For the last month Hermione, Ron and I have helped him practice multiple spells. Like hexes, jinxes, charms, and curses. I believe that Harry could win this and be the youngest to ever win the tournament before.
I was sitting next to Fred and George in the stands as they took bets on who would win. I made a bet saying Harry and Cedric would win together. The champions had just entered the maze about ten minutes ago.
Fleur has already come out and so had Victor. Professor Moody came over to me and asked to have a word. I agreed and followed him out of sight behind the maze. He didn't say anything and just shoved an old cup into my hand.
The next thing I know I was standing in a graveyard. Not just any graveyard, but the one from my nightmares. I blocked my mind and started to look around. I came to a big gravestone with a cauldron in front of it.
When Harry and Cedric appeared out of no where with the Triwizard Cup. Cedric was saying it was a portkey as Harry and I looked at the name on the gravestone. It said 'Tom Riddle' and Harry yelled "Cedric, Faline get to the cup now!"
Cedric asked why, when someone else appeared and a voice said "kill the spare". The next thing I know Cedric is laying dead beside me. Harry being held by the stone statue next to the grave stone. I was surrounded by a ring of fire.
I tried to use my wand, but it didn't work. I couldn't escape and watched Peter Pettigrew appear carrying a bundle of blankets. I watched him put it into the cauldron, then cut of his hand and then take some of Harry's blood with a knife. Harry yelled in pain trying to touch his scar.
He told me to ran, but I couldn't move. I then saw Voldemort return to his body. Voldemort summoned his deatheaters and went to look at Cedric. As he was about to touch him Harry and I yelled "don't touch him!"
Voldemort looked at us as his deatheaters appeared and made a circle around us. He greeted them and then introduced Harry to them. When he got to me the ring of fire disappeared. I tried to attack but Mr Malfoy disarmed me using his wand.
"Isn't she pretty boys? Such bravery to try and attack me. She gets it from her mother and she will work for us soon. Boys allow me to introduce you to Faline Potter. The little sister of the famous Harry Potter" Voldemort told his deatheaters.
They all gasped and started talking amongst themselves. I then said "I will never join you or bow to your will". Voldemort laughed and pointed his wand at me. I felt a horrible pain go through my body.
"Leave her alone, I'm the one you want!" my brother yelled at Voldemort. The deatheaters laughed, but the pain disappeared and I breathed heavily on the floor. Voldemort went over to my brother and started talking about the night he killed our parents.
I ignored him and went over to Cedric's dead body. I watched my brother and Voldemort duel each other. Then four ghost like figures appeared and talked to Harry. They then blocked Voldemort's line of vision.
Harry ran over to me and pointed his wand to the Triwizard Cup saying "accio". We each held Cedric and grabbed the cup at the same time. We appeared outside the maze in front of everyone. Harry cried over Cedric's body as someone in the crowd screamed.
Dumbledore came over and I said "his back, Voldemort has returned". I looked to my left expecting to see Harry. But instead I saw Mr Diggory sobbing over his dead son. I looked around and saw Professor Moody dragging Harry away.
"It was Professor Moody sir, he sent me to the graveyard. I am sure he made the cup a portkey to. He just took Harry away" I told Dumbledore. He looked and saw them go into the castle.
He called McGonagall and Snape over. We all went to Moody's office to find him about to kill my brother. I disarmed him and pulled Harry away from him. Professor Snape gave the imposter some truth serum.
Because Moody had turned into a young man with dark hair. When he looked at the chest Harry and I were standing near. Dumbledore told us to move. McGonagall and Snape pulled us behind them for our safety. The real Moody was in the magical chest.
Professor McGonagall lead us to the hospital wing so that Pomfrey could check us for injuries. Neither of us was seriously hurt, but I was sad that I lost my wand. Madam Pomfrey gave Harry and I something to drink for a dreamless sleep. We drank half of it before falling asleep.

Faline's Brother is a Champion
FantasyFaline is about to start her third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But first her and Harry were going to the Quidditch World Cup with Hermione and the Weasleys. When they get back to school and Dumbledore tells them about the Tri...