A few nights ago Ron asked Hermione to the ball again. But she said no because she already had one. He then tried to ask me, but I told him I was going with someone else. Ron wasn't the only yo ask me either; Dean, Fred and a boy from Durmstrang asked me aw well. I told them all the same thing "I am sorry someone else asked me and I told him yes".
It was the day of the ball and I was getting ready with the girls (Hermione, Ginny and Patil twins). I put on the beautiful dress Aunt Petunia got me in the summer. Then Parvati and Padma did my hair in an elegant side bun, with a few strands hanging loss to frame my face.
Hermione did my make up which was some; aqua eye shadow, mascara, black eye liner, foundation/concealer and pale lip gloss. It was done lightly of course. I then did the twins make up and Ginny's hair. Ginny and the Patil twins left first as their dates were waiting for them.
I helped Hermione finish her hair and we looked beautiful. The only thing I was missing was a necklace. But none of mine went with the dress I was wearing or my silver heels and silver hoop earrings. Hermione and I went down to the great hall and Victor greeted us with Draco.
Draco pulled me aside and said "I know you told me not to get you anything. But this is your Christmas present and I thought you would need it tonight" he gave me a box. I opened it to see a beautiful pale opal necklace on a silver chain.
He helped me put it on and it was perfect. "Now you are more then beautiful, you are perfect" Draco whispered into my ear. He lead me into the great hall that looked like a winter wonderland. I saw some of our friends staring at us shocked.
"You didn't tell anyone either?" I asked looking at Draco. He nodded. "So that is way Pansy hasn't tried to murder me yet" I said. We laughed quietly smiling at each other. We sat at a table where Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise were sitting.
As Draco introduced me to them the champions came in with their dates. A lot of people were surprised to see Hermione with Victor Krum. The expression on Ron's face was priceless, I saw Lee take a photo. He gave me a thumbs and mouthed that he would give it to me later. I gigled and watched the champions dance with their dates.
"May I have this dance?" Draco asked holding his hand out to me bowing slightly.
"Way of course you may" I said a fake British accent as I took his offered hand. He lead me to the dance floor chuckling at my behavior. "Was that polite enough kind sir?" I asked as we began to dance.
"Of course it was my fair lady" he answered while he twirled me. I giggled as I wrapped my around his neck and he put his around my waist. We had danced for about half an hour. When someone tapped me on my shoulder.
I turned and saw Harry standing there and he asked me if I wanted to dance. I agreed and told Draco to hang with his friends for a while. He nodded and left to talk to Blaise. Harry lead me into a clumsy waltz and said "why are you here with Malfoy?"
"Because he asked and is my friend" I answered as I started to lead instead of Harry. "We've been friends since last year and that is all" I said. He nodded and then the Weasley twins stole me from him to dance with them instead.
I laughed waving goodbye to Harry giving him a pleading look. He just shook his head and chuckled quietly. Fred, George and I danced when the music got faster. We went crazy and had fun. Until Draco pulled me over to dance with Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Victor.
After the dance Draco took me on a walk through a school courtyard. One song was going through my head and that was 'Can You Feel The Love Tonight' from the Lion King. We sat on a bench holding hands and looked into each others eyes.
"I had fun tonight thank you Draco for asking me" I said. He said it was no problem and that he had fun too. We started to lean in and were about to kiss, when someone cleared their throat behind us. We pulled apart quickly and turned around to see Professor McGonagall standing there.
We bowed our heads and she told me to follow her. Before we left she told him to report to Snape's office tomorrow morning. He nodded and watched us go back inside. Professor McGonagall lead me to her office and told me to sit down.
I did and said "I'm sorry, Draco and I are only friends I swear".
"I am not angry Miss Potter, in fact I am very happy for you and Mr Malfoy" McGonagall said. I gave her a confused look and she continued "not many would agree with your relationship. Including Mr Malfoy's father and your Godfather. You are still to young to go kissing boys Miss Potter. That was going to be your first kiss wasn't it?"
I nodded saying "yeah it would of been, but I wouldn't regret it for a moment. I know that our male guardians won't agree to our friendship. Let alone if we started dating. But I don't see that happening for quite sometime".
Professor McGonagall nodded and told me "I will be telling Professor Snape of this later. He will have the same talk with Mr Malfoy tomorrow. You may return the ball now Miss Potter." I nodded and thanked her before leaving her office.
When I got to the entrance hall I saw Hermione on the stairs crying. I sat next to her pulling her into a side hug asking what was wrong. She told me about what Ron said about Victor only being nice to her for her body. I was furious at Ron and was about to go and hex him.
But Hermione stopped me saying he wasn't worth it. She was right of course, so I fixed her make up. Then we went back into the Great Hall and found Ginny with the Patil twins. We talked about our night and want we did.
When Hermione, Ginny and I were heading back to Gryffindor tower with Neville. I told them about Draco and I nearly kissing. And my talk with Professor McGonagall when she stopped us. I went straight to bed after removing my makeup and changing out of my dress.
Picture of Faline's dress above and the song Faline was thinking of on the external link

Faline's Brother is a Champion
FantasyFaline is about to start her third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But first her and Harry were going to the Quidditch World Cup with Hermione and the Weasleys. When they get back to school and Dumbledore tells them about the Tri...