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Jungkook's point of view

"Hey! What did you do with that pair of shoes beside my bag?!" I yelled furiously at one of my work partners. The boy looked up from the monitor sitting inches from his face, scowling at my disrespect. He already wasn't fond of me, I never really cared for what my colleagues thought of me, so I never bothered to keep up a good reputation.

"I put them in the bin, they were rubbish." I glared at him, snatching up my bag and walking out to the dumpster.

Who would've thought I'd be searching through a dumpster for a pair of shoes?

I took off my jumper, not wanting to infect it with the putrid smell coming from the large bin. Then carefully I lifted myself up onto the edge, looking inside to see the contents of my worst nightmare.

When was this last emptied?

I thought, pinching my nose to try and block out the smell. No success, my eyes were watering as I spotted the pair of shoes, thrown carelessly into the middle; out of my reach.

Shit I don't wanna jump in there... Maybe I could just buy him a new pair... Yes! I'll do that

So I went with that, jumping down from the edge and getting out my bottle of perfume. Scrunching my nose up, I sprayed it on myself to try rid the disgusting smell. Once satisfied I picked up my bag, heading to a shop to find a similar pair to those that he once owned.

Namjoon's point of view

Why is Jungkook taking so long?

I thought, worry coursing through me. V was still hidden under the table, and the others were yet to notice he was there. As if a person wasn't under the table, they ordered something to drink or eat and talked happily. I kept silent. I wanted to message Jungkook, but the idiot left his phone on the table, so I had no way to communicate with him.

"I'm just going to use the rest room." Jimin announced, getting up and heading to the in the direction of the bathroom. Once he was gone I tapped the blonde homeless boys shoulder to indicate that Jimin had left momentarily and that V could shift more comfortably. However Seokjin noticed,  looking up at me peeking under the table.

"Namjoon, what are you doing?"

"I ugh ... nothing," I mumbled, V looked up at me and I could see him tense from the corner of my eye. Seokjin raised an eyebrow, going to look under the table. Though he was quickly distracted as Jungkook came jogging back into the cafe.

"Sorry ... I took ... so ... long," he wheezed, gasping for breath as he squeezed in beside me, fingers pressed into a stitch in his side. After dealing with the pain, he looked up and around the table. His gaze quickly hardened when he didn't find the person he was looking for. "Where the hell did he go?!" Jungkook exasperated, turning towards me. I pointed under the table and he furrowed his brow, glancing under the table, then lifted it again. "Why?"

"Jimin." His mouthed formed an 'O' shape as he soon understood. Seokjin got sick of waiting for an answer, looking under the table, pulling up a bit to quickly and banging his head on the tables under side.

"Oh fuck," he groaned, rubbing his head, then shooting a glare towards the two of us. "Why is there a person under the table?!" That got Yoongi and Hoseok's attention, they both looked under, V probably giving them an awkward smile. Then the boy lifted himself up from under the table, sitting in between Jungkook and I.

"Hello. My name is V," he chirped, giving a box shaped smile as he glanced towards Jungkook. The two were almost touching. "Jungkook, can you move..." He whispered, just loud enough for me to hear. Jungkook looked down, nodding when he saw how close they were; it was weird.

"So, are you afraid of Jimin?" I asked out of curiosity, glancing towards the door to see if the red head had returned.

"No. I'm not afraid of him. I just don't particularly like him." Yoongi raised his hand, catching the five's attention.

"Hold up, before we get into more intricate details. Who the hell are you?"

"I'm no one." Was his reply. Frowning, Yoongi glanced towards Jungkook for help, but the raven boy was unable to give a different answer. Because he apparently really was no one.

"Red alert, Jimin's coming back." Hoseok called, turning his head towards the red head who had his head down as he walked towards the table. Gritting his teeth, Taehyung attempted to slide under the table again. But I gripped his arm, holding him upright.

"I hate when people can touch me." He mumbled through gritted teeth, pulling away from my grip as he stared up at the short boy who had now reached the table.

Jimin point of view

The table had gone scarily quiet when I had returned, and because of my habit of walking with my head down, I had no idea why. But as soon as I raised my head, the answer was clear.

"Kim Taehyung," I growled, clenching my jaw as I fixed a glare on him.

"Park Jimin." He remarked through pursed lips, causing my blood to boil. "You know it's really unattractive to glare on a regular basis. It makes you look snobby." I jerked forward, raising my fist. Though I was stopped when Jungkook held his hands across my torso, blocking my place of attack.

"You two, shut up." I lowered my arm, adjusting my jacket so it rested on my shoulder once more before slumping down in my chair.

"Im not snobby. You're just a cow." I growled, causing the whole table to grow even more silent.

"If you're going to argue Jimin. Leave." I scoffed.

"Why me?! I'm not the stranger here! Plus, he provoked me first!" Jungkook stood, leaning forward so that he hovered over me with an overwhelming power thay felt like fire dripping down my throat. His eyes so set and stern that I felt small under his gaze. Even if he was the most childish 23 year old I've met, he was still frightening when he wanted to be. I swallowed, shutting my mouth and shrinking in my chair. "Never mind..."

"Ok. Now that that's cleared up, where were we?" I shot one last glare at Taehyung before returning to the conversation, which of course, was about the devil himself.

Taehyungs point of view

"I'm sorry I ruined your afternoon," I murmured quietly after the others had cleared out, leaving just Namjoon and Jungkook.

"You didn't ruin anything Taehyung. Jimin's just agitated. Ignore him." I lowered my head, Jungkook had no idea what I had done to Jimin, how I had ruined him. But I was too afraid to tell him, scared that he would hate me if he found out.

"Yeah... Agitated." Jungkook frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." The police boy suddenly made a sound that sounded like a bird that had just been startled. I raised an eyebrow at him as he reached into his bag, pulling out a pair of black boots.

"One of my work partners threw your original shoes in the bin. I couldn't retrieve them, so... I bought you new ones." He stared at me, expecting a positive response. But I was absolutely furious with him. Well, not me exactly.

Jungkook shrank smaller as my eyes darkened, fingers fumbling to hold the boots whilst he pressed back into his seat

"You what?!"

"I didn't. It was someone from —"

"You had no right!"

Listen to him. He said it wasn't him.
He stole them. He pays the price.

I lunged forward, not even phased by the pain that shot up my arms as I gripped his collar, punching his jaw with my free hand. He staggered backwards, tears building in the rim of his eyes as he landed with a thud on the floor. Namjoon pulled on my raised fists, bringing them behind my back.

He's a cop, you idiot.

Next thing I knew, I was handcuffed and being dragged down the street to the police station; Jungkook following silently behind. Hand pressed to his face as he walked silently; but there was a pain in his eyes, a look of betrayal. Oh how much it hurt to see him that way.

I'm sorry Jungkook.

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