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The Joes pull into the hospital parking lot. Duke parks the coyote. Tunnel Rat picks Abigail up to carry her into the hospital. Everyone but Snake eyes gets out of the coyote. They walk into the ER. Dr. Chang walks up to them.

Duke explained what happened to Abigail the best he could. Dr. Chang waves over to the nurse. She pushes an empty gurney over to them. Tunnel Rat sets Abigail on it, and she is wheeled away. The Joes sit in the waiting room and wait for Dr. Chang to return. An hour passed, and Dr. Chang still hasn't come to tell them about Abigail's condition. Scarlett's PDA rings, and she sees Breaker's number on the screen. She waves over to the Joes before she answers the call.

"I've found some information about the orphanage Abigail grew up in." Breaker says.

"What did you find out?" Scarlett asks.

"It turns out Cobra ran it. The people in charge kept an even bigger secret from Abigail." Breaker answers.

The Joes gasp in shock. The group recovers a few seconds later.

"What's the big secret?" Roadblock asks.

Breaker hesitates for a few seconds. "Abigail, she has another living family member." Breaker says.

"Where does this family member live?" Duke asks.

"She lives in Ohio." Breaker answers.

"This doesn't add up if Abigail has another living family member. Why didn't child protection services take her there once the doctors released her from the hospital all those years ago?" Duke asks.

Breaker says he has one theory. His theory is that Cobra wanted to use Abigail's intelligence to aid them in creating a new weapon. Scarlett asks him if he has any idea what this new weapon is. He says no, but he'll call back once he does. Scarlett thanks him for the information about Abigail. They hung up and continued to wait for Dr. Chang.

Inside Abigail's room, Abigail can hear Dr. Chang's and the nurse's voices.

"Is she going to be ok, Dr. Chang?" the nurse asks.

"Yes, but whatever caused that huge amount of mental stress has left her unconscious. The cuts on her body from being dragged downstream really concern me. She'll need to be monitored for the next few hours to ensure she doesn't get an infection." Dr. Chang answers.

The nurse reminds him that her friends must want to know about her condition. Dr. Chang nods and leaves the room. The nurse looks down at Abigail.

"Don't worry, sweetie. You're in good hands. You'll be back on your feet in no time." The nurse says.

Meanwhile, in the waiting room, Duke is pacing the floor.

"Duke, you need to stop that," Scarlett says.

"I'm sorry, Scarlett. Dr. Chang has been gone for over two hours." Duke says.

"I know that, Duke. You need to relax. I'm sure Dr. Chang will be out soon." Scarlett says.

A few seconds later, Dr. Chang comes out. Duke stops pacing and walks up to him. Everyone else gets out of their chairs and casually walks over too.

"How is she doing, doctor?" Duke asks.

"She is stable, but she's unconscious. We also found several large cuts on her back. We treated them, but I'm worried they may become infected." Dr. Chang answers.

"Thanks for the update Dr. Chang," Duke says.

"You can go see her if you like." Dr. Chang says.

Dr. Chang leaves to check on his other patients. They are about to visit Abigail. Scarlett's communicator starts to blink. She turns it in and hears the sound of Snake Eyes fighting someone or something off. They leave the ER to help their comrade. Once they get outside, they see Snake eye fighting a new kind of bio viper right in front of the hospital.

"Now we know what Mindbender took control of Abigail's brain." Tunnel Rat says.

Duke tells them to grab the rest of the gear from the coyote. Tunnel Rat runs to the coyote. One of the new bio vipers follows behind him. It slithers ahead of him and slithers into the truck. Tunnel Rat watches as the bio viper eats all their weapons. Then it slithers outside the truck and fires all the weapons toward Tunnel Rat. Tunnel Rat dives towards the building to avoid all the ammo being shot at him. Everyone runs over to him. Duke helps him to his feet.

"We have a big problem." Tunnel Rat says.

"We sure do Tunnel Rat," Duke says.

"This new viper ate all out weapons and can use them against us," Roadblock says.

"How can a viper be that smart?" Ripcord asks.

"I don't know, but it is," Duke says.

"How are we supposed to beat these things?" Scarlett asks.

"Maybe Abigail knows its weakness. "Ripcord says.

"How do you figure that, Rip?" Tunnel Rat asks.

"Abigail helped Mindbender create it." Ripcord answers.

"True, but she was under his control. She probably doesn't even remember creating it." Duke says.

"It's the only option we have," Ripcord says.

"He is right, Duke," Scarlett says.

"What do we do now?" Roadblock asks.

"Roadblock, you and Tunnel Rat take the coyote to see if these vipers will follow you. The rest of us have to hope and pray that Abigail wakes up soon and remembers how to defeat them." Duke answers.

Roadblock and Tunnel head back to the coyote. Tunnel Rat antagonizes them into following them by yelling at them to catch them if they can. The vipers took the bait and slithered after the coyote. The others go back inside the hospital and head to Abigail's room. They see the oxygen tube and heart monitor connected to Abigail.

I hope that Roadblock and Tunnel Rat can hold off those new vipers until you wake up. Duke thinks.

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