Meeting the Joes

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Abigail slowly opens her eyes and looks to her left. A woman with red hair comes into her line of sight.

"Where am I?" she asks the woman.

"You're in the coyote," the woman answers.

"I guess that is what you call the truck?" she asks.

"Right, I'm Scarlett, by the way, and you're Abigail, right," Scarlett says, introducing herself.

Abigail nods because she figured that Snake Eyes had told Scarlett her name (more liked signed it to her anyway).

"Well, thanks for your help, but I'll just get out of your hair now," Abigail says as she slowly gets up.

She got about halfway when the sharp shooting pain in her right shoulder returned. The pain causes her to lie back down quickly and wince in pain slightly.

"Easy, Abigail, your shoulder is dislocated, but I can pop it back in." a man that smelled like he had just crawled out of a sewer says.

"Man, does everyone call you sewer rat or something?" she asked quickly, holding her nose, so she didn't have to inhale the stench.

*I know he stinks, but he is the person who has the field medic training.* Snake eyes signs.

Abigail can believe that she is thinking this, but she is sick of her shoulder being out of its socket. She lets Snake eyes help her in a sitting position.

"Everyone calls me Tunnel Rat," Tunnel Rat corrects her.

After getting her shoulder popped back into its socket and letting Tunnel rat put her arm in a sling. Abigail thanks him and hops down from the seat. She starts to exit the coyote. She regrets it a few seconds later as everything around her starts to spin. A millisecond later, she falls back to the floor of the coyote. Snake Eyes carefully catches her in his chest so as not to aggregate her bad shoulder. She quickly shakes the dizzy spell and looks back up at him.

"I'm fine," She says with a smile.

Abigail pushes Snake Eyes away using her good arm. Snake Eyes stood his ground and didn't move a muscle. Snake Eyes looks down at her left ankle and sees blood rolling down the area.

*What happened to your ankle?* he signs to her.

*I cut it while running through some torn bushes on my track through the forest.* She signs back.

He sets her back down on the bench, slowly rolls up her left pant leg, and notices her decent attempt to administrate first-aid on herself. He slowly unwrapped the dressing, and Tunnel Rat looked at the injury himself.

"Abigail, that cut is really deep." Tunnel Rat tells her.

"Your point is what exactly?" Abigail asks him.

"You are going to need stitches," he answers.

Scarlett hands him the medical kit on board that has the supplies needed for the stitches. Tunnel Rat takes out a needle and the medical stitches. He is about to put the first stitch into her wound. Abigail quickly backs away with a look of pure dread on her face.

"Get that slender piece of metal away from me," she screams.

Snake Eyes places his hand on her shoulder, and she looks over at him with a considerable amount of fear. *I know you're scared, but you need to let Tunnel Rat do his job* he signs to her. Abigail knows he is right, and she slowly extends her left leg to let Tunnel Rat put the stitches in.

Abigail felt the needle entering her skin for the first time and did her best not to move. As the next few stitches went in, she remembered a song her mother sang to her whenever her fear of needles took control. The teen began to hum it to herself and relaxed after a few notes into the song. Abigail stops humming once she looks down and sees Tunnel rat put in the final stitch.

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