Waiting to Wake up

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The Joes spent the night at the Andrew's house. Madeline sets the plate of chocolate chip pancakes on the table next to the plate of blueberry muffins on the table. A pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice and a few other breakfast foods are also sitting on the table. Madeline turns around and sees the Joes walking into the kitchen. She asks them how they slept last night.

"Fine, and thanks again for letting us stay the night. We appreciate it, Mrs. Andrews." Duke says.

"You're welcome. I suggest you get something to eat now before the rest of the family wakes up." Madeline says.

The Joes sit down and fill their plates. Ten minutes later, they finish eating and thank Madeline for the delicious meal. They leave the room and go out to the van they rented. Kyle runs up to them.

"Are you guys heading back to the hospital?" Kyle asks.

"Yes, but I think that you should stay put." Scarlett answers.

Kyle argues that he has a strange feeling that Abigail needs him. Snake Eyes leaps down off the roof and walks over to Scarlett. He sets his hand on her shoulder. She looks up at him.

*Let him come with us. He may be able to help Abigail wake up sooner.* Snake Eyes signs.

Scarlett realized that he had made a good point so Kyle could come. Kyle thanks her. They pile into the van and drive to the hospital. Meanwhile, Roadblock and Tunnel Rat, the new vipers, continue to fire at the coyote. Roadblock tries to keep the truck straight on the dirt road.

"I thought the weapons would run out of juice by now." Tunnel Rat says.

"It's like they can only use the weapons they swallowed. They can charge the weapons batteries too." Roadblock says.

Tunnel Rat tries to lighten the mood by saying that they should look on the bright side. At least it couldn't get any worse. After a few seconds, the coyote started to slow down. Roadblock presses on the gas pedal, but nothing happens. He looks down at the fuel gage. It reads empty.

"Thanks for jinxing us, man. Do you have any more bright ideas?" Roadblock says.

"Sorry, dude." Tunnel Rat says.

Back with the Joes and Kyle, they pull into the hospital parking lot. Scarlett asks Kyle if he is strong enough to handle seeing Abigail in the pitiful state she is in now. Kyle says yes. Duke parked the van. Everyone but Snake Eyes heads inside to Abigail's room. The Joes wait outside the door. Kyle walks over to the bed.

"Hey angel, I wish I could see you under different circumstances," Kyle says.

He continued to tell her how much he missed her. He uses his right hand to fix her hair. While he is doing this heart monitor reads Abigail's heart skipped a beat. He sits down in the chair next to the bed. He takes her hand left hand and squeezes it gently. Outside, Scarlett feels bad for the young boy. She figures he didn't sleep well last night because he had bags under his eyes. The Joes watch Kyle set his head on the side of the bed. He drifts into dreamland a few seconds later. They decided to let Kyle rest and head to the waiting room. Scarlett pressed the button on her communicator.

"Tunnel Rat, Roadblock, are you two ok?" Scarlett asks.

"We're ok for now. The coyote ran out of gas." Tunnel Rat answers.

Scarlett asks if the vipers have stopped blasting them. Tunnel Rat says no. Roadblock adds that the vipers can somehow charge the weapons they ate. Scarlett asks them if they have tried to leave the truck to get some gas.

"No, not yet. We haven't come up with a plan yet to allow one of us to leave safely," Roadblock says.

Duke tells them they only have one option. Someone has to risk getting fired by vipers so the other can sneak out to get the gas. Roadblock agrees with him and says that they'll go through with it. They sign off.

"Duke, if I didn't know any better. It looks like Abigail has grown on you." Scarlett says.

"I guess she has become like a little sister to me," Duke says.

"You know, once this is over, we need to tell Abigail that she can stop searching for a family. Since Breaker found out that she has a family member living in Ohio." Scarlett reminds him.

Duke says he knows that. Ripcord asks when they are going to tell her about Breaker's discovery. Duke says that they should wait a bit before they tell her. Back in Abigail's room, Kyle dreams about the day they met. He smiles in his sleep. He wakes up when he feels Abigail squeeze his hand. He lifts his head off the bed. He didn't see her hand moving.

It must have been wishful thinking. Kyle thinks.

Meanwhile, with Roadblock and Tunnel Rat, they resorted to playing rock paper scissors to see who would distract the vipers. Roadblock won, so Tunnel Rat slowly opened the door. He runs towards the woods. The vipers fire several laser blasts at him. He ducks and rolls to evade them. Roadblock opens his door once he sees that the vipers are far enough away. He runs up the road to find the closest gas station.

Hang in there, buddy. I'll be back soon. Roadblock thinks.

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