Chapter Thirteen

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The door opened to show a very tired looking Kyle. I tried to dismiss the fact that his bed head made him look really cute and concentrated on what I was saying.
"Hermione? What are you doing here? It's 4am." He asked me his voice cracking from tiredness. He rubbed the back of his neck as I sighed out a "hi"
"I'm sorry I couldn't sleep. Can I come in for a minute?" I rushed. He looked at me for one second before stepping aside.
"Thanks." I murmured as I stepped inside. He shut the door and I pivoted around.
"Look Kyle I'm sorry okay. I didn't mean to and I'm just tossing and turning and I can't think about anything else than the fact that your angry at me and I hate that we're fighting, I really do and this not talking think really sucks. Doesn't it? Well I just realised that I kinda really love you." I breathed out. He just stood there with a slight wavering smile on his face and it astonishes me how he could be smiling right now.
"Are you done?" He asked me advancing toward me. I just bit my lip in nervousness.
"Well Hermione," he had reached me and he held my hands. "I kinda really love you too." I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.
"You do." I asked shocked.
"I do." I just smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck pressing my forehead against his.
"Well... Yay." I said due to loss of words. He chuckled before pressing his lips against mine. I fell backwards onto his bed as the kiss deepened and his tongue asked for entry which immediately accepted. I pushed my hands through his thick hair and let out an accidental moan which made him smile against my lips. I couldn't help thinking this was where I was meant to be, I couldn't believe I ever had any doubt. He rolled me over so he was on top and I giggled. I was finally happy.
* * *
I knocked lightly on the oak door, butterflies flying around in my stomach. Actually flying was an understatement it was more like stomping. I had come to speak to Ron and make him forgive me. I managed to make Kyle forgive me the night before and I liked to think I was on a roll. I mean we can't stay mad at each other forever I miss the midnight chats that always seemed to make me feel better and the days that we would just spend in his room just talking.
After no response I knocked again harder. After more silence I was just about to leave, maybe they went into town or something, when I heard a crash come from inside their room. I pushed open the door curiously.
"Ron? Harry?" And what lay before me was a sight which I would never get used to. Just ahead was Ron on his bed. But he wasn't alone, oh how I wish he was alone. Nope, he was with Meredith Brown. And they were kissing.
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Ooh, the drama guys! Okay I'm tired now so bye! Ily! 😘😘

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