Chapter Thirty - Two

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We spilled out of the hotel and onto the street. It was around four thirty, yet it was summer so the sun was still shining down on us.
"Right we are we going." Harry asked. I took Ron's hand and shrugged. 
"Can we just walk."
"Sure, okay." So that is what we did - walked.
* * *
We watched as the man sat on the ground, passionately playing a violin.
"I think I've fallen in love with France." Ron said to me in a low voice as Harry and Ginny were engrosed in their own converstion.
"Careful, I might get jealous."
"I mean it, I want to move here, once I'm finished with school."
"Ron, you can't even speak french." I pointed out.
"Yeah, well, I'll learn." he shrugged. "I'm a wizard, I can do shit." I laughed but then realised he was serious by the expression on his face.
"Alright then Ron, if you want to then do it."
"Come with me."
"Come with me." he repeated.
"Sure, yeah okay." I sighed. He gave me a look to say that he was serious.
"Ron, why are you thinking about this now? We still have another year left of school before we leave anywhere."
"Because!" Ron rose his voice in irritation then looked around self-conciously when the few people who were on the street stopped and looked at us.
"Ron, just lets get through the end of this year first." I said in a lower voice.
"But we have to start thinking about these things." Ron told me.
"Because I know that I want you in my future." Ron blurted out then realised what he'd said. Maybe he thought that I would think that we were moving to fast, that I would get scared or weirded out, we had been only dating for a few weeks. But it wasn't like that because we had known each other our whole childhoods, we weren't a normal couple, very far from it. I grabbed his hand and smiled up at him.
"I want you in my future too." I whispered too and his face was taken over by a smile. He leaned down and kissed my lips. The man finished his violing playing and I pulled away and bent down to drop some coins into his violin case.
"Merci." He smiled at me.
"De rien." I smiled back at him. "Merci pour jouer pour nous, vous jouez magnifiquement." (A/N sorry to anyone who is French who can speak it and I got it wrong, blame it on google translate.) I stood up and turned around to see Harry, Ron and Ginny staring at me, their mouths ajar.
"What?" I asked them.
"Of course she can speak French."
* * *
We walked and walked until we came across bright flashing lights in the distance.
"A fair." Ginny exclaimed.
"We still have like an hour before we need to start heading back." I told them. We all smile at the same time.
"Lets go have some fun."
* * *
I yawned and stretched.
"Okay, I am so tired now." I announced rubbing my eyes. Ron and I make our way upstairs while Harry and Ginny order some food from the reception desk, for some weird reason they're hungry while I cannot think about anything else other than going to sleep.
"It's been a good night." Ron smiled to himself.
"Yeah, it has." We reached my bedroom door and I tip-toe to kiss Ron. I turned to go but Ron put a hand on my arm and swivelled me back around. He kisses me deeper and my arms sling round his neck as his hands settle on my hips. After about a minute I forced myself to pull away. I held up my hands in surrender.
"Alright, I'm going to bed." Ron laughed.
"Before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed." Ron mimicked my first year voice.
"Or worse expelled." I finished off, doing my best little girls voice and trying to make it as dramatic as I was then. We both laughed, remembering the memory and all the trouble we used to get into.
"I really love you Hermione." Ron said after our laughter died down and it was different from all the other times he had said it, there was more meaning behind it, it was filled with passion.
"I love you too Ronald Weasley." I replied. With a quick but deep peck on the lips I opened the door and disappear in.
* * *
I rolled over for the millionth time that night. Typical, I'm so tired until I finally get some sleep and then I'm wide awake.
"Stupid jet lag." I whispered with a groan. Unlike me, Ginny was fast asleep in a deep coma. I drew a big sigh before standing up and slipping some shoes on. I gave up trying to get some sleep and thought that taking a visit to the local 24 hour shop down the road would be a better use of my time.
I remembered that I forgot to get a toothbrush and picked that off the shelf. I then decided to pick up some snacks too, anything to make me less bored. I was just making my way up to the checkout when I heard a scream. I pivot around to see a woman running towards me.
"Get out, everyone get out." She shrieked, her fearful screams echoing through the store. Before I could do anything a force threw me back and the last thing I remembered is the entire place going up in flames before I'm enveloped in darkness.
* * *
Okay don't judge wrote this when I was really tired and I just wanted to sleep. Also if you haven't noticed I entered this into wattys2017 so please vote and comment to help out, love ya <3

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