Chapter Nineteen

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We hadn't talked about the 'almost kiss' one week later and I didn't think we ever would. Yes, maybe I still had feelings for Ron but I doubt he had any for me and it might wreck our friendship and I'd only just got him back. It was just easier to carry on like normal. That didn't mean it didn't play on my mind all throughout the week, once again distracting me from my studies. I really need to give up on my boys it's killing my school cred. So like the rest of the week that had passed I was sitting in potions daydreaming and thinking about... yup you guessed it! Ron! 'Was he thinking about it as much as I was? No Hermione nobody deciphers things as much as you do.' My thoughts were interrupted by the bell telling me that the lesson was over. Because I'm taking way more subjects than Harry and Ron I was alone in potions now, so I made my way alone through the door amongst the crowd of eager students, ready to get some lunch. I felt a hand on my shoulder and thinking that it was Ron or Harry I turned around. Kyle. My smile dropped and I stepped back. He was scattered with bruises from Ron's mini-meltdown and had a sad look painted across his face. Good. I tried to turn around again but he grabbed my arm. I looked at it and then sent him daggers, he slowly let go.
"Hermione-" He started.
"No." I snapped. "No Kyle, just leave me alone." He sighed.
"Please, can we just talk." Maybe it was because I had shared such intimate times with him or that he had managed get me to give in whenever I saw those blue sparkling eyes but the next second I found myself saying "fine." He gave a slight smile and started walking to a corridor that nobody was on. I soon realised that it was the one where I made him jump and he grabbed my throat. I should have known then that he was no good. I shook my head, getting rid of the thoughts. Kyle turned to face me.
"I wanted to explain, why I did what I did-"
"Cause your a prick?" I interrupted sarcastically.
"I had to. I work for a newspaper and they assigned me a story on you. I had to go under cover and find out your secrets-"
"How is this making you look any better?" I asked, I could tell he was getting angry.
"But-" I sighed.
"You know what Kyle just leave me alone." I turned around and started walking down the corridor.
"I didn't realise I would fall in love with you!" He shouted after me and my world turned upside once again.
* * *
Wassap my little weirdos! I know this is a short one but I just wanted to give you something for Christmas to thank you for everything. All of your lovely comments and votes and reads I just love you guys! So thaaank youuu! 😘😘😘 Also I wanted to do that little thing that authors do where I put reviews and all your lovely comments in the blurb of this book so if you have any comments for this book or thoughts on it please comment down below and I'll put you in the blurb. Okay byeee 😁👋🏻😘

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