Chapter Twenty Five

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I think it was about ten minutes before Ron stopped holding me. He looked down at me, worry prominent in those blue eyes. He grabbed my arm then held his wand to it, casting the spell that healed them. The blood rose upwards and followed a trail to the tip of his wand. No blood was left yet about ten white scars were imprinted all across my arm. Ron couldn't seem to take his eyes off my arm and continued to stare at them as he spoke.
"Why?" I stayed silent as tears pooled up in my eyes. See, I hurt everyone, I can't do anything right. He looks up at me when I don't respond. He takes a slight intake of breath and his eyes focus on my face. My eyebrows draw together in confusion.
"What happened? To... to your face." Ron stuttered in a gentle voice and move his hand towards my eye. I shot a glance at the mirror in front of me and saw that my eye was swollen and bruised all around. That dick had given me a black eye. I flinched when his hand brushed against it. I took a step backwards and shook my head.
"Nothing." I whispered, my throat rough after the crying.
"That isn't nothing, what the fuck is that Hermione?!" Ron's voice rose. I didn't say anything and took a certain interest in my bathroom floor.
"Hermione!" Ron yelled and went to shake me, trying to get a reaction out of me. "TELL ME WHO FUCKING DID THAT." Automatically I flinched and stand back, shielding my face, I'm used to Charlie. Shit, what did I do? I take a deep breath before lowering my arms, scared to see Ron's expression. When I finally looked at him, he had a look of hurt painted across his face and I could see the tears in his eyes. You made him cry Hermione.
"Is that why you did what you did?" Ron asked in a now gentle voice. "Is someone hurting you?" I couldn't say anything, he would get angry and I don't want him to be a part of this. 
"Please baby, who did this to you." He said his voice cracking. Tears began running down my face as I hear the hurt in his voice.
"They won't leave me alone." I said in a small voice. I feel Ron's warm hand slip into mine. "They won't stop." His words started to come back to me, everyone's words started to come back to me. "None of it will stop." I let go of Ron's hand and slid my hand into my hair as the words screamed in my head.
"It just needs to stop." I raise my voice and start pulling at my hair.
"WHY WONT IT STOP?!" I screamed and smacked my head over and over again like I did before, it seemed to quiet the voices a little. Ron stood there in stunned silence as I hit my head repeatedly and sobbed. Slut, bitch, ugly, fat, useless. 
"SHUT UP!" I screamed. "JUST SHUT UP!" I hit my head harder. Ron seemed to engage again because he moved towards me.
"Hermione. Hermione stop." Ron grabbed my hands and pulled them towards him, holding them in a tight grasp, stopping me from hitting myself and pulling me out of my psycho break down. I looked at him and am overcome by embarrassment.
"I'm so sorry." I pulled my hands away from him and walk past him.
"You don't need to be sorry." I walked across the bathroom and towards the door.
"Hermione, don't walk away from me, I'm here for you, just explain to me." I reached the door and grabbed for the handle of the door when a dizziness overcomes me. I clenched my eyes shut, waiting for the dizzy spell to go but it didn't.
"Please, who did this to you?" I opened my eyes again only for my vision to be clouded with darkness.
"I just need to- are you even listening to me?" I turned around to face him but my feet go out from under me and I find myself falling to the floor and my vision darkening.
* * *
Pain ran through my body and I moved closer to the radiating warmth that was soft and comfortable. I snuggled in closer to the thing that smelt like home and it helped the pain to soften.
"Hermione?" A voice sounded through my view of darkness. I then remembered what had happened. I blinked my eyes open and bright light flooded in.
"Hermione." Ron gave a relieved sigh. I realised I was in his arms and sat up.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine." I tried to stand up but Ron pulled me back down again.
"No, you lost a lot of blood, you need to rest."
"I'm fine." Ron's jaw tensed in, what I assumed was, annoyance. He ignored me and slid his arms underneath me. Before I could refuse he carried me to my bed and laid me down. He pulled the covers up and warmth cuddles me. Ron smiled down at me, stroking the hair from my face. I felt my eyelids getting heavy again and I was in a disoriented phase when he bent down and pressed his soft lips to my head.
"I'm never going to leave you Hermione." His voice whispered as I dove into a deep sleep.
* * *
I blinked my eyes open to see a face in mine. I jerked backwards.
"Oh my god Ginny!" I exclaimed, trying not to fall off the bed.
"I came to visit you." She stated.
"Was giving me a heart attack in your plan too?" I asked laying back down again.
"Ron said you were sick so I came to keep you company." She told me, ignoring my previous comment. Yeah, sick, sure.
"Thanks." I gave her a weak smile. Ginny smiled back at me then bent down over the bed to the ground.
"Okay so I brought you some snacks, but then I realised that if your feeling sick you might now want to eat anything." She explained, dumping various things on the bed. "And I also brought copies of your favourite books but then I thought that you'll be in your room and your going to have you favourite books anyway." I watched as she continued to unload everything. She finally took a breath when she was done, a couple minutes later.
"Is there anything else you want?" I smiled up at her and shook my head.
"How are you feeling?" Crap.
"Fine I guess." I shrugged.
"And, um, how are you doing with, ya know? Kyle." She stuttered. I tensed.
"I'm fine." I stated as my stomach did summersaults.
"Hermione, you don't have to lie to me, I'm your friend." I sighed.
"It just all seems so hard at the moment, you know?" She didn't know about everything that is happening but I can pretend she does for now. She put a reassuring hand on my arm.
"It's all going to be alright." She whispered into my shoulder as she hugged me. "Without the dark, you cant see the stars." I let out a small laugh.
"Okay, you definitely got that off Tumblr." I chuckled.
"Tum- what?"
"Nothing." I laughed. She rolled her eyes and then laid down again as we slowly turned into giggling little girls.
* * *
Okay that's as much as I can give you guys write now, I just wanted to update for ya'll cus I feel like I'm being terrible to you guys. I just don't have time to write at the moment but soon i'll be breaking up for summer and I can write all I want :) I also got asked to put more Ginny in here so here we go, and I'll try and put her in some more in future chapters cause who doesn't love some Ginny? I'm soooo stressed right now cause I'm doing my exams and it sucks cause I have no time for writing at the moment and I hate it. Also I made friends with this boy the other day and guess what his name is- Ron 😊😂 love ya weirdos, updating when this hits 150 😘

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