Chapter 17

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Brooke's POV- Friday

"Okay. So Luke's dating Tilly?" I asks as I get ready for my date with Ashton

Cass is on my bed waiting to curl my hair. "Yep."

"Since when? Why? I thought he didn't like her..." I say confused

"Since he took her home on Monday. I guess they just hit it off because he took care of her." Cass says nervously

"Well, I guess I'm happy for him. But Tilly's alittle..." I began saying thinking of the word.

"Clingy?" Cass suggested

"Kinda." I say trying not to sound like a bitch.

"Yeah apparently she's trying not to be. Her brother is making sure she doesn't freak Luke out." Cass says biting her lip.

"Oh okay. So which outfit?" I ask

She smiles and rubs her hands together. "That one."

I smile. "I like this one too."

I changed into a thin cream dress and threw on a navy blue and red flannel. I then put eyeliner, foundation and mascara on.

"Alright. Curl it!" I yell as I sit down

She jumps up and curls my hair loosely. We make small conversation and laugh.

At I'm done, I walk up to the mirror. "How do I look?"

"Very cute." She says

I then threw on my black converse and wait for Ashton. "I wish that Luke was here. I'm super nervous. I feel like I haven't seen him all week."

Cass bites her lip. "He's just trying to spend time with...Tilly!"

"Are you okay? You're a bit jumpy today." I ask

"Nope. I'm fine. I just uh have to go home. Bye have fun with Ashton." She rushes out of the room.

Cassie's POV- Tuesday- 4 days earlier

"What the hell is wrong with you?!!" I yell at Luke

"Shhhh!!" He says

"Dude, you're fucking crazy." I spit as we argue in his room.

"I know I'm a major dick for doing this but you can't tell anyone Cass." He says

"Tell anyone? Oh yeah that you are dating Tilly Frey to make Brooke jealous?! What is wrong with you? You can't just play with people's feelings." I say

" I know Cass but seeing her with Ashton is driving me crazy. I need to at least try to make her jealous." He says

"Dude, what if she doesn't get jealous? You'll break Tilly's heart." I say crossing my arms

"At least she'd finally get over me. I had to try something. Please Cass don't tell Brooke." He begs

"This is a bad idea." I say

"Please Cass." He begs

I groan. "Fine. I'll keep your stupid secret, but when you end up hurting one of those girls it's on you."

I say and leave the room.

Brooke's POV- Present

"Well then." I say

A few minutes after Cassie leaves, I hear my doorbell go off. I smile when I see Ashton's car in the driveway. I run down the stairs and open the door. "Hey."

"Hi." He says

"So where are we going?" I ask as I step out.

"'s a surprise." He says smiling. He then takes me to the passenger side and opens the door for me.

"Thanks." I say as I get in. He ones around and hops inside the car.

"So you're not telling me where you're taking me?" I ask

"Nah." He chuckles

I sigh and rest my head on the glass. "So, talk to me then."

He smiles. "What do you want to know?"

"Anything. Just give me something." I say

"Well, my names Ashton Irwin. I play hockey and I play the drums." He smirks

"Drums?" I ask

"Yup. Surprised?" He asks

"A little but that's still really cool." I say

We soon arrive at some building. He leads me up the staircase and to the roof. "Wow." This was beautiful. We looked over the city and the sun was about to set. Then Ashton pulled out a basket. "Picnic?" I laugh

"Yup. I just thought that you'd like it. And judging by your look, I'm guessing I did good?" He smiles

I nod. "Yeah. I love it."

We sat down on this one part of the roof that was a bit higher than everything else. Maybe a couple feet. We had the perfect view. I let my legs dangle off the edge.

"How about you? Instruments?" He asks

"I play a little guitar but I'm not that advanced. Luke taught me." I say

"You two are close, huh?" Ashton asks

"We were." I say with a sigh

"What happened?" He asks

"Last year I had to leave Australia. We moved to California. I left without saying goodbye. I didn't even tell him I was leaving because it was too hard. Luke was my best friend and I just couldn't. He texted a lot but I just didn't know what to say or how to say it so I didn't reply. He stopped texting and I guess we just drifted apart." I explain

"And now you're back." He says

"Yeah. I came back for him. My dad gave me a choice and I came back to live with my mom." I say

"I see. So now that you've seen Luke, how are things going?" He asks

"I don't know. He's not the same anymore. You're still the same though." I laugh

He laughs and then says. "Luke has changed."

"I know. Even though we both talked it through and apologized it's still...not the same. I feel like when it's just the two of us the old Luke comes back for just a few moments but as soon as he's at school, it's a whole other story." I say

"Yeah. I see what you mean. So have you ever, you know, dated?" He asks

"No. I mean there was this time before I left. I liked him so much but he never noticed and then he had a girlfriend named Alicia. I guess it was better that I stopped liking him because I was leaving and he had a girlfriend. Then a week before I left he broke up with her and I guess I just couldn't tell him because I was still leaving." I say

"So, you don't like him?" He asks

"No. He's changed way too much. I don't think I can like him if he's like this. But I do like you." I smile

He bites his lip to prevent him from smiling too big. "I like you too."

I smile. "I sing too."

"Me too." He says and laughs

"So i have another question." He says

"Shoot." I say

"You're accent. It's American." He says

"I moved her when I was 13. I met Luke when we started 8th grade together." I say

We both then laugh and talk about whatever. It was probably one the best times I've ever had. The other times I spent with Luke. I guess I should just accept the fact that we're two different people.

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