Chapter 35

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Luke's POV

I sit across from Brooke, praying for her to finally wake up. I hold my hands together and stare at her. She looks so broken. Pale.

I can't stop feeling guilty. This is my fault. If I didn't yell at her, she wouldn't have gotten into that car. I shake just remembering the car crash.

"Luke, you should go home with Cassie. It's late honey." Brooke's Mum says.

I shake my head. "I'm not leaving."


I look at her and sigh. "No, Linda, I can't. I won't."

She smiles slightly at me. She sniffles and looks down at her daughter. "I'm gonna go get a coffee."

When she leaves, I sit down in her spot next to Brooke. I scoot the chair closer to the bed. She has a few loose strands of hair by her face. Gently, I push them back. My finger traces her stitches. I sigh with much morose.

"Oh Brooke, you didn't deserve this." I say softly, rubbing her hand. "I'm so sorry." I cry

Brooke's POV

I see a light. Looking around my surroundings, I see a monitor beside me. A few chairs leaning against the wall nearest to the door. Everything hurts.

My mother is sleeping, holding my hand.
I breathe slowly as I look at my mother at my right side. "Mom?" My voice is dry

She lifts her head and smiles. I could tell she been crying. Her eyes are red and her makeup had smeared. "Brookie..." She sniffles

"Mom, what happened?" I ask, not remembering anything after the fight with Luke.

"Honey," she holds my cheek, "you were in an accident." She wipes away a tear. "There was a drunk man who hit you. He ran a red light."

My heart drops. I close my eyes and think. I think hard. Suddenly I remember.
"There was a yellow light."

My mom whimpers. "Oh god..."

"It's okay, Mom. I'm okay." I whisper hugging her with one arm.

"Okay, all I they had was apple..." Luke comes in carrying piece of pie. He looks at me and it looks as if he sees a ghost.

Luke looks tired and worn out. His eyes are also reddish. He stands there and gulps. "Brooke..." My heart races. I don't say anything.

"I'll let you two talk." My mother gets up and leaves.

He finally moves forward and sits down on my left side. I look at the blue chair and see his backpack full of clothes. "Did you stay here all night?" I ask

He nods. "Of course." He holds into my hand and scoots the chair closer to my bed.

"This is all my fault." He rests his head

"Luke, don't say that." I say quietly, looking at him.

Luke looks up at me and his eyes are watery. "If I hadn't yelled at you- if I hadn't said all that shit, you'd still be okay."

I grunt a little as I sit up. "Look at me, I'm fine Luke. I promise, I'm okay."

He looks at me. "Look at you. You're broken, Brooke. I did this."

"No, you didn't. That jerk did." I grip into his hand

He shakes his head, still not listening. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean any of that stuff."

I let go of his hand and stroke his face. "It's okay, Luke. I know you didn't."

He stares at me for awhile. "Brooke...I love you."

I smile at him. "I love you too."

He licks his lips and looks at my bed. I scoot over a little and lays down. I rest my head on his chest, careful not to mess up my leg. "I'm going to fix you, Brooke. I'm going to fix you."


Tear): that was actually really sad


Forgetting You. [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now