Chapter 12

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I sat in the living room and talked to Nora, Emma, and Isabella for a while when they finally showed up from the game.  They had seen me punch Catalina and applauded me for it.  Apparently, she was just an overall snotty bitch, and Isabella and Catalina fought constantly.  While Harry was in the shower and getting dressed for our date, I explained mine and Catalina’s past friendship to the girls and told them that I punched her for the same reason I told the boys.

“Girl, I didn’t know your mom was killed,” Emma said quietly.  I know it was shocking for some people to hear, and for me at the time it was horrible.  It’s still horrible.  But I’d learned to live with it.

I was about to speak, but I stopped when I realized that all of the girls were staring at something behind me with their mouths hanging open.   I turned on the couch to see Harry standing behind me.  He had on black jeans and boots, as well as a plain black collared shirt which he had buttoned all the way to the top and rolled up the sleeves.  His curls were perfectly combed up and out of his face.  I found my own mouth falling slightly open as I took his appearance in.

None of us said anything.  We just continued to stare at Harry as he stood shyly in front of us, rocking on his heels and looking at his feet with his hands shoved in his pockets.  Finally, Louis emerged from the hallway and put his arm around Harry’s shoulders, despite being shorter by quite a few inches.

“Harry, what have you done to the girls? You better take yours and get out of here before Isabella dumps me for you.” He laughed and tackled his girlfriend to the floor as she snapped out of her trance.  I stood up and walked over to Harry, grabbing my purse from the couch.

“Ready?” He asked.

I nodded without looking at him.  I was embarrassed that he literally left me speechless a moment ago.  That had never happened to me before. “I, um- I need to stop by my house before we go.  Just to change clothes really quickly, you know.” I glanced down at the nike shorts and oversized tee that I had been wearing all day.

“I think you look great the way you are,” he said quietly, but not quietly enough.  Emma, Louis, Nora, and Isabella all froze where they were and turned to look at us, their eyes wide.

I bit my lip as I tried not to grin too big. “Thanks Harry,” I said quietly.

“Sure thing, Lou.”

He turned and opened the front door for me.  I nearly passed out when I walked by him just because he smelled so good.  As soon as he closed the door, I heard Nora, Isabella, and Emma all shriek with excitement.  ”What has she done to him!?” Emma screamed.  I grinned as we walked down the steps to Harry’s car.  Harry opened the car door for me and closed it after I sat down.  As he ran around the car to the drivers side, I checked my phone.  I had a text from Louis.

-Just so you know, he’s never actually been on a real date before.

My eyes widened.  That’s why Harry was so nervous.

-He’s doing fantastic so far (;

We drove to my house, listening to The 1975 the whole way.  Harry almost turned off the radio, embarrassed when “Sex” came on, but I laughed and stopped him.

“This is my favorite song by them!”

Harry widened his eyes. “Mine too! I even have a tattoo about it!” He eagerly began to lift his shirt and unbutton his jeans, keeping his other hand on the steering wheel.  I laughed when he pulled his pants down just a tiny bit, and sure enough there was small chicken scratch spelling out “Might as well…” on his hip bone. 

I waited a moment, listening to the lyrics for the line.

And I’m not trying to stop you love, if we’re gonna do anything we-“

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