Chapter 35

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I realized I was awake when I could feel my toes again.  When did I even fall asleep? Keeping my eyes shut, I wiggled my toes over and over.  I slid my knee up into my chest and flipped onto my back as I rubbed my hand over my skin.  I sat up briefly to adjust my strapless bra, which Harry so kindly left on the night before, respecting my privacy. 


I glanced to my right and saw him sprawled out on his half of the bed, his arms stretched out in my direction.  The sun that was shining through the cracks in the blinds and onto his golden skin.  The skin on his face and arms looked so flawless and warm that I wanted to touch it, but I resisted. He had gotten a haircut since the last time I saw him.  His hair was much shorter but it looked good.  He also hadn’t shaved in a few days, his facial hair much longer than I had ever seen it before.  He no longer looked like a young and reckless child anymore.  He looked like a sexy, fierce, and mature man.  I actually began to doubt that it was Harry the longer I stared at him, but when he finally opened his eyes and looked at me - the pure and green orbs staring into my soul again - I knew it was him. It was my Harry. 

I sat up quickly, shaking the awestruck look from my face as I turned away from him. Immediately, my head started to spin.  I groaned.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, sitting up off of his pillow and rubbing one of his eyes. 

I furrowed my brow and swung my feet off the side of the bed, waiting for a moment as I tightened all my muscles in an attempt to get the blood to my head. Finally I shook my head.

"I think it’s just the drug wearing off. Maybe you need to try and go to the bathroom."

I stood up off of the bed slowly. Everything started to spin.  I wobbled and began to fall back, but thankfully Harry had gotten off of the bed and caught me. “C’mon.”  He picked up my legs and carried me to the bathroom. I clutched my head as he placed me in front of the toilet. 

"Can you please get me some water?" I asked quietly. 

 Harry rushed out of the bathroom.  Once I knew he was gone, I grabbed my toothbrush off the sink, stuck the end down my throat, and gagged into the toilet. 

"Lou, are you okay??" Harry called from the kitchen.

"Fine!" I called back shortly.  I heard him knock over a few cups as he quickly searched for one to fill for me.  I stuck the toothbrush a little farther down my throat and clutched the sides of the toilet as my stomach imploded, making me gag again. 

"Hold on Lou, I’m coming!" 

I wanted to get this over with before Harry got to me, so once more, I stuck the toothbrush down my throat.  The taste of last night’s drinks all combined burned in the back of my throat as it all rushed back up and into the toilet. I clutched my stomach and squeezed my eyes shut, making the tears fall down my oily cheeks.  I felt so nasty.  If my face was dirty, I automatically felt like shit - but on top of it this morning, I was sick.  I threw up once more, thankfully without having to use the toothbrush.  I could almost feel that my stomach was empty at this point.  I sat back against the bathtub, wiping the hair from my face. When I heard Harry come running back down the hall, I stuck my hand out for the water without opening my eyes and curled my shaky fingers around the cup as Harry placed it in my hand.  I took a sip and opened my eyes, and noticing that Harry was grimacing at the toilet, I jumped up and flushed the vomit. 

"That’s not what I was suggesting but I guess that’s one way to get it out," he said, crossing his arms across his bare chest as he leaned against the doorframe.

"I just didn’t think peeing was going to help."

Harry shrugged. “I’ve never been drugged before, so I wouldn’t know.” 

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