Chapter 28

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I sat up, clinging to my covers since I was still completely naked.  I was glad that this wasn’t one of the nights that I had an intense throw-your-covers-off-the-bed kind of dream.  Harry stood up immediately and shoved his hands into his pockets. I studied him for a moment before I finally spoke. 

"How did you know to come in the window?" 

Harry smiled weakly. “I remember everything now!” His smile quickly faded and he looked down at his feet. 

"How did it happen? Did it just come to you all of a sudden?" 

He shook his head, his brown curls waving back and forth slowly. “Uh… I just… I hit my head again.”

I cocked an eyebrow at him.  I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to explain more or just wanted to leave it at that.  I must have looked pretty confused because he felt it necessary to continue explaining. He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Uh, Claire… well she was *ahem* on top of me and tried to flip us and I fell off the bed and hit my head on the wall and suddenly it just all came back to me.” I probably should have just nodded in the first place when he said he hit his head.  Then I wouldn’t have had to hear what I just did. “I kicked her out though right after I remembered everything and headed straight over here.  It was weird because I was so drunk yet… I don’t know. I guess I just had to get to you.  It’s like I was so determined that my mind sobered up.”

I picked at a loose thread on my comforter. I was trying so hard to be forgiving and remember that he wasn’t “cheating” on me on purpose.  He had no idea. I still couldn’t muster up enough of whatever in my body to just completely forget that what happened last night actually happened. 

"I can leave. I didn’t mean to wake you up." 

I cocked my head. “You didn’t wake me.” 

Harry shuffled his feet on the carpet and looked out the window as a bird landed on a branch outside.  ”Have you ever had a bird fly into your room?” 

I laughed in my head.  He was trying to make small talk. “Once.”

Harry nodded and looked around at the clothes falling out of my closet and the messy bed-side table.  ”Do you want to go out today?” 

I shivered as another breeze came through the window. “I can’t, I have a lot of homework that I need to do.” 

Harry nodded and suddenly looked hopeful as he spoke again. “I mean, I’ve got homework too. Can we work on it together?” I thought for a moment and then nodded.  I was mad at him. Or sad. Or disgusted.  I couldn’t tell.  But I also just wanted him to be near me.  I didn’t want him to know that though - not yet, at least.  I could tell that Harry was trying not to grin too hard. “My stuff is in my car, let me grab it and I’ll be right back.” Instantly, he rushed to the window and jumped out of it, onto a branch, and was on the ground in seconds. 

I shook myself out of my I-just-woke-up-and-Harry-remembers-me-again daze and ripped off the covers of my bed.  I rushed to the closet, eyeing the window to make sure Harry wasn’t coming back and threw on some black athletic shorts.  I flipped all of my air forward and ran my fingers through my hair a bit until I could get it all together for a ponytail.  I picked up and started to put my bra on, but then hesitated.  I started to put it on again, but then threw it on the ground.  Fuck it, I thought.  It’s too early for a bra. I tossed on my large lifeguard sweatshirt (I was never a lifeguard, I just had a sweatshirt), quickly made up my bed, grabbed my backpack, and unpacked a book.  As I was sitting back on my bed, Harry’s bag flew through my window, causing me to shriek.  Harry’s head popped through the frame.

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