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Spencer POV

My eyes fluttered open and the light filled my vision before a figure appeared, dimming the light. I rubbed my eyes then remembered that I was in the hospital.

I sat up completely and then there was a chuckle,"Look whose up." Toby said.

I turned towards him and he was sitting in a chair by the window. After observing him for a few more seconds I looked down and noticed the blue bundle he was holding in his hands.

I felt my heart throb at the sight before me."Is that h-him?" I asked, stuttering in disbelief.

Toby rose from his seat and walked over to me. "Spencer, meet your son Kayden." he smiled placing the sleeping baby in my arms. I looked down at Kayden and began stroking his head softly.

"He's beautiful," I sniffled looking up at Toby then back down to Kayden. "He looks just like you."

Toby smiled, walking back to his seat. He began filling out some papers but I paid little attention to his actions at the moment.

Catching my eyes, I looked back down at Kayden and his eyes opened showing off a beautiful shade of blue.

"Hi Kayden." I cooed gently. "Kayden still needs a middle name." Toby informed me. I took some time to think about it before smiling brightly.

"Kayden James Cavanaugh."

Toby's eyebrow raised high with amusement. "Seriously?" he asked. "Your going to give him my middle name?"

I nodded,"I like it, it has a nice ring to it."

"Okay." he chuckled, filling out the rest of the paper. Once he was done he sat the clipboard off to the side then made his way over to me, taking a seat by my side.

"Why is he wearing a respirator?" I finally asked as the thought managed to linger in my mind for quite some time now.

"He needs to wear it for a couple of weeks to get his breathing pattern back on track." Toby explained, placing a hand around my waist to pull me closer.

"You still haven't finished telling me the butterfly story." I reminded him. There was a pause before he spoke,"He managed to fix her wing. . . the same way I managed to fix yours," he leaned down and pecked me softly. "Can I ask you a random question?"

His lips briefly and faintly brushed against mines as he spoke, making me shiver. It was like an uncanny breeze had washed over me. "What is it?" I asked once my voice had returned.

"How do you feel about marriage?"

Kayden yawned, tearing my attention away from Toby. Just as read in a book I had began to breast feed him before finally turning my gaze to Toby.

"Marriage isn't something I've thought about," I admitted as hurt struck across Toby's eyes but I quickly began to explain. "I hadn't thought that my life would have a continuation."

The room door opened and I turned to see who it was but no one was standing in the doorway. After staring at the empty doorway for a few seconds Toby finally rose from his spot to close the door and that's when someone finally made an appearance.

He stopped dead in his tracks after their eyes met and shock rolled over him. "Alison?" he asked making my eyes widen.

Alison smiled sweetly before turning to look at me with nothing other than hate.

"He's always been like this." the driver tells me, fixing up her jet black hair inside of the rear view mirror.

"Really?" I asked and she nodded. "How long have you worked for Toby?"
"I've been with Toby for three years but this bitch took my job," she turned to look at me. "But I'm back now and things will soon be the same."

Thoughts began roaming through my mind after realizing the resemblance.

"Alison?" Toby repeated again, brushing a hand through his already messy hair. It seemed as if there was more he wanted to say but the words wouldn't come out.

Alison took a step forward and grabbed Toby's hand. I waited for a reaction but I didn't receive one. Tears prickled in the corner of my eyes. "I guess I should have told you," Alison smirked. "I always get what I want."

I pulled Kayden up and let him lay his head down onto my shoulder, gently rubbing his back in circles. Toby finally pulled his hand away and motioned for Alison to exit the room,"We need to talk," he said, turning to me afterwards. "Spencer-"

I cut him off, adverting my gaze towards an empty wall. "Just leave." I murmured under my breath knowing that he heard me perfectly fine.

He stood there for a minute and then sighed walking out of the room, letting the door close behind himself. I kissed Kayden on the forehead, quickly blinking back any tears that made an attempt to escape.

Toby POV

Anger and hurt had combined as I seen the look on Spencer's face. The moment Alison had walked into the room all of the trust Spencer had given me had vanished.

Turning a corner I walked over to Alison and crossed my arms over my chest. "Why are you here?" I asked angrily, keeping my voice down to prevent any attention being thrown towards us.

She simply shrugged her shoulders as she played with the tips of her hair. "What does it matter?" she replied. "I'm back now and that's all that matters."

"You need to get rid of her or I'm leaving," Caleb said, sharply turning to face me. "If you can't see what she really is then your an idiot."

I rolled my eyes,"I love Alison and you as my brother should be able to accept that-" he cut me off with a dark chuckle,"You love her?" he repeated crossing his arms over his chest as he suddenly became serious. "I don't accept that Toby- I won't accept that and neither will mom and dad."

"I make my own decision's I don't need anyone making them for me."

"Well congratulations," he clapped as dramatic effect. "The decision you just made left you brother-less."

He turned and I made no attempt in stopping him. Arms wrapped around me and already knowing who it was I wrapped my arms around her as well.

"I don't know what I did wrong." Alison told me. I looked down at her then back forward just as Caleb turned a corner.

"You did nothing wrong Ali."

Realizing that she had managed to loop arms with me I pushed her away and she gasped. "What are you doing?" she asked me.

I stepped forward,"Maybe disappearing wasn't the best thing for you but it was the best thing for me," I told her coldly. "Leave Spencer alone, I'm tired of your games and I promise if you send her another one of your messages your going to wish you stayed gone."

She was surprised but quickly covered it with a poker face as she turned and began walking away as if nothing had happened.

Just as she was half way down the hall she turned to me one last time.
"I've done a lot of things but sending your girl friend messages was never one of them."

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