Chapter 9

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Scarlett woke up in a strange place. Her eyes flickered open. The alpha looked at her, and barked a demand. Scarlett stiffened and looked at her arm, now relizing that her arm was still bleeding. "Why did u do this to me!" She shouted in froustation. The alpha yelped and backed up. "Oh i didn't mean to startle u, tho i must ask, why did u bite me?" She turned to her wolf form just in time to hear his answer. "So sorry to bite u, we didn't want u hurting us" the alpha responded. "It's fine" scarlett cooed than gasped as the pain in her arm caught up to her.
"Oh um, we have treatment for that, turn" he winced as he said it "Nornal". "Ok" She turned normal and let out a soft yelp. The alpha barked, and grabbed a pack of human bandages. He smiled and wrapped them around me, I winced every now and again, my back was bandaged as well as my arm, I smiled. I slowly twisted my arm, and winced softly, than slowly stood up. "I'll um, be going now"

Hey guys sorry it took so long for this! I've been at a sleepover, with that said, enjoy my chapter!

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