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Davis was incredibly fast, he bobbed and weaved around so much it was almost impossible to strike him. Every time I blinked he'd cut me. "It is umwise to fight me alone, but at least you'd die with honor" he said before punching me in the face. I stepped back a bit dazed "im tired of people punching me in the face" I complained. I used all my force to strike the ground with my sword. A large hole opened up by the force of my sword and me and Davis fell in. We landed on a table in some sort of deserted kitchen.

Only this kitchen was filled with all types of nasty gooey types of..... Food? Im guessing. I rushed back to my feet to see Davis was struggling up. I rushed unto him kicking him square in the chest. He flew back and blew threw the next wall. Before running after him I grabbed a handfull of some yellowish goop that looked a lot like jello from a plate on a counter. Turns out Davis was kicked thourgh w two walls and was now in the engine room. I ran in after him. The engine room was huge, like a football stadium. There was a large geen ball above us, it was as big as..... As big as....... Well I don't know but it looked like it was about 50 ft in diameter.

Davis was a yard in front of me dusting his armor off with his hands. "Im surprised Zack, your a pretty good-" he was interrupted because I had threw the handful of jello at his visor to blind him. But when the jello hit him his visor broke and he flew back a few feet before falling on his back. I guess I threw it to hard.

Davis got backed up more pissed then hurt. "So you wanna play dirty" he said as he bounced back up. He reached behind his helmet and pushed a button. And suddenly his helmet opened up. He pulled it off with one hand. His face was white with purple markings, probably scars, he looked almost human like Donny but his eyes were big and green. He lifted his sword and pointed it to me. "Now die" he threatened, he ran up to me like a speeding car. I jumped up before he could slice me in half. "Ha you missed" I mocked.

But I jumped to high hitting the large green orb above us. It electrocuted me so much my coat caught fire. I fell back down burning but before I hit the ground Davis struck me with his sword like a baseball bat cutting me in the side. I flew to the other end of the large room hitting the floor. I coughed up blood, but before I could get up Davis leaped onto my chest with all his force. We broke thourgh the floor and into a large room full of pipes. "You think you can beat me?" Davis said.

He got off of me and grabbed my leg. He threw me across the room threw many large pipes making me drop my sword. Water spilled from them all over the place. I hit the ground laying there in pain."The universe has only one rule" Davis continued as he walked up to me. "And that rule is kill or be killed" Davis kicked me over onto my back and sunk his sword into my chest. The pain shot across my body and I screamed in pain. The sword went so deep that it cut thourgh my back and into the floor.

My body started feeling cold, my vision went blurry and I could feel my life sliping away. Davis took the sword out of me and picked me up by the neck. "Are you ready to die" he threatened. I looked him in the eye and my body started steaming again. "No not yet, but you should be" I said. Davis chuckled and threw me again. I blew threw another pipe and landed on my feet. Davis sped towards me throwing a punch my way. But I caught his fist. He threw another punch with his other hand I caught that one too.

He stood there for a second stunned. I than head butted him causing purple blood to spray out and make him fly back onto his but. He got back onto his feet but when he looked up I was gone. He scanned the area looking for me. "Where are you Zack did you run!" he yelled. "You know we have three things in common" I said as he looked around for me. I ran past him punching him in the jaw knocking it clean off. Davis fell to the floor as his bottom jaw flew away from him.

"We're both captains" I ran at him again kicking his arm and breaking it in two. He hollered in pain and fell on his face. "We both have orders to obey" I ran at him again stomping on his back and crushing his spine. He screamed again into the water that was all around on the floor. "And we both agree one the rules of the universe" I said standing in front of him. He looked up at me with fear in his eyes. I picked him up and lifted him by the neck. "Captain Davis I here by declare you retired".

I than flew up and back thourgh the hole that Davis had made when he jumped on me. I flew straight for the giant orb holding Davis in front of me. We hit the orb and it sizzled and cracked as I held Davis body onto it. He screamed and yelled as his body vibrated from the electricity. His skin started to catch fire and his movements started to slow down. "Now Davis, you will die" I said. Than Davis burned so much his body disintegrated into a pile of bones and ash.

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