Disclaimer and Note

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Hello my reader friends! 

First things first, I'd like to thank any returning readers for clicking read on this book again, and thank new readers for seeing it and giving it a chance. I know the description is terrible, so I am very, very grateful. 

Secondarily, I know that this is far from a well written, polished book (which I'm used to attempting to write). There are some character inconsistencies, plot holes, loose ends, and general grammar errors. These have been nagging at me for a while, so as of now I'm going to commence revising and reposting updated chapters. So as a caution to returning readers, some things may not be exactly the way you remember them, though hopefully it will be an improvement that everyone can enjoy!

And finally, I would like to disclaim a few things. 

I do not own the Hunger Games, or any of its characters. All credit goes to the brilliant Suzanne Collins. This is purely for the enjoyment of the reader.

This is a Hunger Games x Reader, and not a specific "x Reader". As with my other stories, this fanfiction is not solely focused on just the relationship between the main character/reader and a certain character within the story. This is more of the reader's story than anything else. So if you were expecting a Peeta x Reader, Finnick x Reader, or Gale x Reader, that's definitely not going to be the main focus of the story. Don't get me wrong, there's lots of friendship, and some romance, but it's going to be a bit of a rollercoaster ride. I hope you enjoy the story!

And if you're interested in following any of my socials (I'm not entirely sure, but just in case), I'm currently working on updating some of my social medias. For right now, if you want to follow me on Tumblr, I have my more "professional" account, where I post original stories and shorts:

- Jay

(revised August 27th, 2019)

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