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"When will I be allowed to open my eyes?"

You keep your eyes squeezed shut tightly, standing impatiently in front of the mirror in the dressing room. It's the night of the interviews, and you couldn't be more nervous. Cinna's insistence to wait to see your dress only makes you more anxious.

"Yes, open them," Cinna replies, and you can tell he's smiling just from his voice.

As soon as you're given the go ahead, you snap your eyes open. Your hand flies to your mouth in shock and you take an involuntary step back. "Oh my..." you murmur, "Cinna—thank you. It's amazing."

"Twirl for me," Cinna directs.

You give several quick spins and feel something flicker at the base of the dress. Flames. Apparently you now literally represent fire. But you see what Cinna was so excited about—it's a stunning and sleek red dress that compliments your features. Your prep team seems to think the same thing, as they give little murmurs and squeals of delight.

Cinna flicks his wrist and dismisses the prep team, leaving the two of you alone. Once they leave, he turns to you. "So, all ready for the interview?"

"No, not really," you admit. "I'm terrible. Haymitch compared my personality to a dead slug and nothing seems to work for me. It's impossible for me to act like somebody I'm not—like some sort of lovable teddy bear."

Cinna chuckles. "Why don't you just be yourself?"

You sigh. "That's not much better. Apparently I'm pessimistic and full of hostility. He dismissed me early, saying he gave up. Handed the reins over to me like he thought it was hopeless anyways."

"Well then, do whatever you want, just like he said," Cinna says simply, "Plus I don't find you the way he does. The prep team adores you as well. You've even won over the game makers. As for the citizens of the Capitol, they just can't stop talking about you. No one can help but admire your spirit." He pauses. "Suppose that when you're answering the questions, imagine your addressing your closest friends back home. Who are your best friends?" he asks.

"Gale and Katniss," you reply immediately. "But they're my closest friends—they already know almost everything about me. They wouldn't have any reason to ask."

"What about me? Could you think of me as a friend?"

You hesitate slightly. "Well, yeah, but—"

"I'll be sitting on the main platform," Cinna informs you. "You'll be able to look at me and answer the questions as honestly as possible. Be completely honest."

"Even if being honest also means completely horrible?"

"Especially if you think it's horrible," he says. "You'll at least try?" You nod in response as there's a knock at the door and Haymitch walks in. "It's time then," Cinna notes briskly, standing, "I think your turn is after District 11."

"Remember, you and Peeta are still a happy pair," Haymitch reminds you. "So act like it."

Suddenly there's a buzzer, telling you it's time to go out. Your stomach does a little flip flop. "And that's your cue. You have three minutes of questioning, starting the second you walk out on stage," Cinna says, grabbing the door knob.

You give him an unsure look. "I'm not sure—"

"They already love you," he says reassuringly, "just be honest. Be yourself."

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