The Parade

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I'm so very, very sorry for the long wait! There were several people in my family closely related to me who got married in the past two weeks and I've been very busy with preparations. Anywhoo, this one is medium length, kind of a filler. Sorry if it's not close to book/movie's dialogue--it's been a while since I read the books. I also thought I'd throw that picture up there at the top/side. I've imagined myself in the Hunger Games--even using the BrantSteele Simulator--but, I always die, so umm...

And OMG thank you for over 200 views! That's completely amazing! Hope you enjoy this next chapter!

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"Come get your first look at the Capitol, Y/n."

Effie's voice is a lightning bolt to your thoughts. Your eyes flicker to the train car's windows, where Peeta is pressing himself against the glass. You don't understand how he can possibly be this excited to arrive at your mortuary, regardless of how "beautiful" it may be. You, on the other hand, have been unable to do anything other than think forward to your time in the arena ever since the whole "knife in the table" incident. Do you really need Haymitch to make a plan for you? His plan would probably just get you killed.

Rising and moving to the window, you join your district partner at the windows. Part of your plan was also being nicer to Effie, as hard as it may be at times, because while she is at times difficult, her insight to the Games could prove useful. And being nicer to Effie also meant complying with her demands, at least from time to time.

The sight of the Capitol, needless to say, knocks the breath from your body. And for that the blame doesn't only fall on the towering skyscrapers of glass, but also on the crowds gathered outside the train station. Every person you can see looks like a slightly varied version of Effie, and they're all lined up by the tracks, watching and cheering as your train pulls into the station.

The train glides to a quiet stop, and before you can protest, Effie is dragging both you and Peeta away from the window. She ushers you off the train, her impatience evident in the shooing gestures she's making with her hands. "I'm coming," you mumble as you brush past her, then curse lightly, remembering your plan. Peeta is just ahead of you, but instead of giving Effie snark he throws her a grateful smile.

He doesn't have to try to be nice. It's infuriating.

Sunlight and bright colors blind you as your small party exits the train and faces the Capitol and all of its people. You try to remind yourself of your plan, everything your friends and family told you before you left. Put on a good show, don't look scared. Win them over. In your head this seemed rather easy, but in practice, in the commotion of the your welcome, it's nearly impossible. Rational thought flees your brain when you hear the people calling to you.

You straighten your back, push back your shoulders, set your jaw, let your eyes roam the crowd. It's just like making a sale at the Hob. Only now you're selling an image, not a freshly shot rabbit, and the buyers at the Capitol are much more acquiescent client.

Finally, you make your way into the car that will take you to the tributes' center. "So, where are we going next?" You ask Effie, trying your best to sound interested as Haymitch slides in after the rest of you

"Next you're heading to the Remake Center. You'll meet with your prep team and then to meet your stylists," Effie replies, eyeing the alcohol in Haymitch's hand with disdain. He says nothing, but you know he's silently judging why you're suddenly being accommodating to Effie.

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