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What? Two updates in under a month? Wizardy. (It's actually called "I have very little social life in the winter.)

The walk from the dining room into the living room seems devastatingly longer than usual. You scoop up the remote off the couch and turn the television on knowing the score showing will be on no matter what. You set down the remote and sigh as you curl up on the couch, waiting to hear your about your complete failure.

Effie, who is sitting on the edge of the couch precariously, looks at the television and turns to the rest of you. "Good, we haven't missed out on your score," she says, relieved.

Rue's picture is up on the screen as Caesar's voice echoes over the speakers in the TV and he announces her score. "7." You smile at the thought of the young girl watching the telecast and having some hope—something you yourself are lacking right about now. You hold your breath as Caesar turns to the next page of the score sheet in front of him. "And now, District 12."

"Here we go," Haymitch mutters as he sits on the couch, sounding tense and exhausted.

"For the boy tribute, Peeta Mellark," Caesar begins reading his paper as Peeta's face appears on the screen, "8." Peeta lets out a sigh of relief and you all turn and congratulate him. One through, one more to go. You feel your palms begin to sweat with the upcoming reading of your score.

"And now, for the girl tribute, (Y/n) (Y/l/n)," Caesar stops and his eyes widen slowly, opening in shock. Your eyes dart around the room, becoming more nervous by the second. Then he looks up and says the number out loud for all of Panem to hear, the amazement showing through in his voice. "11."

For you, it's as if time has frozen. You made history, once again. Was it necessarily the score you wanted? Not exactly. It wasn't low, thankfully, but chameleonism once again has walked out the door for you by getting a high score. Now you're a target. And being in the Hunger Games, you really, really want some chameleon qualities. But that obviously won't be happening anytime soon.

Luckily, Effie snaps you from your trance with an excited squeal. Despite your misgivings, you try to look on the bright side. Maybe now you'll have proven yourself worthy of sponsors. As this thought dawns on you, you feel a smile starting to grow on your lips as you continue to stare at the screen. You soak in the congratulations of your fellow tribute, mentors and stylists as they all start to blend together.

Cinna raises his glass from his seat on the couch. "(Y/n), the girl who was, and still is, on fire," he says before he takes a sip from his drink. "Wait until you see your interview dress."

You narrow your eyes playfully, assuming what he could possibly be excited about because of the dress. "Am I going to be catching on fire again?" you ask, finally starting to relax.

Cinna grins slightly. "Of sorts," he answers, sounding mysterious. Whatever it is, you're sure it won't help you blend in. Right about now, it's sounding like a good idea to just ditch the whole chameleon theme and embrace your new status as the Career pack's new biggest target (probably).

Effie smiles. "Oh, I'm so proud of you." For once, it seems like her words actually mean something to you. This is a night of milestones.

Portia nods in agreement with what Effie said. "Excellent work, you two!" she praises. You and Peeta share a quick smile and for a moment, you feel a little bit of hope that maybe you can get out of this nightmare.


After Effie wakes you up from your plush bed at an ungodly hour this morning, you reluctantly made your way down the hallway where you hear voices. Hopefully, this day won't be as emotionally taxing as the last had been.

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