First Impressions

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(Y/f/c)= Your favorite color. 

That is all. Continue.

The doctors in District 13 have never complained as much about one single patient as they did (Y/n) (Y/l/n). She's stubbornly determined to get what she wanted—a shower—and willing to break a few bones to get there. Hence, that's how she got to District 13 in the first place.

"Is it really too hard to let me take a shower?"

"Well, Miss—"

"I haven't showered in months, according to my former mentor here. The Hunger Games is not a clean place."

"Bu you're injuries, Miss—"

"They've had months to heal without me moving around to hinder them. Surely they're fine now."

The head doctor lets out a huff of frustration and turns to his companions for aid, but they simply shrug in helplessness. Haymitch watches from the doorway, amusedly shaking his head. Plutarch had brought in the best doctors at his disposal for the girl on fire, and to see her frustrating them—who surely had never had a patient as important yet as stubborn as her—by her own will is quite hilarious. Especially since she had a good point.

"Never mind the injuries, doctors," he tells them with his arms crossed. "I'll take care of Plutarch and his instructions. Let the girl take a shower—Coin probably wants to meet with her anyways, and you all know how important a first impression is."

The head doctor hesitates slightly, apparently not keen on the idea of disobeying Plutarch Heavensbee's direct orders. But the mention of the name Coin seems to strike a nerve, and ultimately he ends up giving in, parting with a curt nod in Haymitch's direction.

"What was all that about?" (Y/n) asks, hopping out of her bed. "Why didn't they want me out and about?"

"Plutarch Heavensbee and Alma Coin are still forming their plan on how to break the news to the rest of District 13's population," Haymitch explains to her after a slight pause. "They're not sure how the entirety of the District is going to react to knowing they have a former tribute living under their roof. They're still not immune from the Capitol, unfortunately."

(Y/n) only nods solemnly. Haymitch had earlier briefed her on the subject of how District 13 was still up and going after they had been supposed annihilated—albeit they survived the deal and acted covertly and cautiously.

The Capitol had no cause to forget that District 13 still existed, and if they wanted to, they could surely storm the base where (Y/n) was stored and discover she was still alive. The young girl was absolutely terrified of what the Snow might do to her family and friends (not to mention her entire home of District 12 and all of its inhabitants) if he found out she was still alive. Haymitch didn't discourage her line of thinking—it was a healthy, viable fear, so he left her to her own devices. It's not like she listened to him that much, anyways.

"I'm going to go speak to Coin about that meeting she wants with you," Haymitch tells (Y/n) as he departs from the doorway. "Be fresh and ready for whenever I come by in case she decides to make it impromptu. First impressions are always important, especially in a situation like this."


Peeta hesitates, hand faltering, hovering over the door of the home that used to belong to (Y/n). Katniss is there with her mother and Prim—she had invited him to come and meet Mr. (Y/l/n), who was evidently doing better since receiving the medicine he needed.

The new victor of District 12 had quickly learned after inquiry that there was a medicine within the Capitol that could help cure (or lessen, in the least) the effects of the disease (Y/n)'s father was plagued with. It hadn't taken much effort to obtain the medicine, what with his new funds from the Games, and he knew that if it had been (Y/n) that had won, that would have been the first thing she did with the money—cure her father. It was the least he could do to honor her memory, along with donating money to Rue's family. The Capitol wasn't per se happy with the financial decisions he had made so far, but there wasn't much they could do about it, either.

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