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(A/N: So I'm going to attempt to start a new trend in my book and put the A/N's at the beginning so you aren't distracted from the ending. I don't know if anybody is, or if this helps with that possibly non existent problem but whatever. It's done.

A few things. One,  my nights are now officially freed up! Whoo hoo! Possibly less sporadic updates! Yay for that!

Two, I just checked the stats/read count on this book this morning and...


Nevertheless, I must say, THANK YOU. When I started this book I always kind of imagined it as something people would read a chapter of and add to their library and forget about because it was boring. But the support I've gotten from you guys is amazing, and I just want to say thank you.

On a semi sort of related note, if you check the tags at the beginning of the story, you'll see a new one (as of like last week or something) mainly tagged as #wattys2017. That's right, I was updating my tags and it popped up as a suggestion so, like many of my life choices, I said, "Screw it, why not?" and here we are. I'll be honest, I don't know the first thing about the Wattys. This is a first for me. I'm just glad it might be considered good enough to be in them.

Anyways, thanks for reading this winded A/N and may you continue on to read the rest of the chapter. I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you thought by commenting or voting lovelies. Ciao! 



"I swear, (Y/n), I found out at the same time you did—"

"Don't screw with me Haymitch! You're lying! You had to have known somehow!"

"Now why would you think that?"

"Because you always know everything before me! Especially if it affects me!" you throw your hands in the air as Haymitch shuts the door behind you. After your collapse during the meeting, Haymitch had excused you and asked for an early release to escort your hysterical form back to your new (as of last week) room.

"(Y/n), I'm telling you the truth, I knew nothing about this new Reaping Games. I didn't know that Katniss' sister was going to get thrown back into the Reaping," Haymitch says cautiously, seemingly surprised you've let him finish his sentence.

"She's—she's like my sister too," you bite your quivering lip, as if to hold it still. "Do they know she is—getting thrown back into the games? Do they?"

Haymitch doesn't hesitate. "No."

You wipe a hand across your eyes to force away the tears. Knowing, but knowing that they don't, that Prim doesn't, at the same time, is torture. "I have to find a way to tell them."

"No, (Y/n), you know you can't."

"But that's not okay!" you cry out, disgusted by Haymitch's calmness. The one time you don't have alcohol in your hand and I'm still pissed when I look at you.

Haymitch doesn't respond, as the minutes tick by. He doesn't look at you, averts his eyes, almost ashamed by his lack of control in the situation.

"What I did—what I gave up to save Prim," you whisper, voice cracking. "That can't all have been a waste. Tell me I didn't just throw away my life trying to protect her—even... even when I can't."

"It wasn't for nothing," Haymich says at last. "Your 'death' sparked a rebellion."

"Screw the rebellion! Screw the games! Screw the Capitol! All I ever wanted to do was keep her safe and now you won't even let me!"

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