1x01 - Welcome Back!

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Jamie glares at the ocean on the dock as the police interrogate people with Vincent standing above her.

VINCENT: We should go home. C'mon, I'll drive.

VINCENT: I don't think it's good for you to sit here watching this. Let's go.

Jamie stands up and walks with Vincent to the car


-----[EARLIER THAT DAY]-----

Jamie and Vincent sit still driving home to Cordvord.

VINCENT: I'll bet you $15 that Nikki Morris will be at Expresso in that little corner with the lounge chairs, sipping her Skinny Vanilla.

JAMIE: Do we really have to go? I mean, we have the whole house to ourselves, and that's a lot of house. We could make this weekend about us, not the entire Class of 2016.

VINCENT: Cmon, I hear there's gonna be booze.

JAMIE: At a school sanctioned event? How on earth did that come about?

VINCENT: I guess they thought they should supply it so we don't smuggle it like we did in PE.

JAMIE: Oh my god, that was iconic!

VINCENT: Exactly. Don't pass up free booze!

JAMIE: I– I don't know.

VINCENT: This was your idea, Jamie. You wanted to come to this thing.

JAMIE: I know but this whole reunion is starting to seem like a bad idea.

VINCENT: Is that because of your old friends?

JAMIE: No... Okay, yes, but I'm not paranoid! Nina is vicious.

VINCENT: What an ironic choice of words.

JAMIE: The Vicious Four was a bad time in my life. God, I was so terrible. I changed but... can't say the same for Nina or Stella or Avery.

VINCENT: What can Nina possibly do at the reunion? You work for Henna Polsh, you own a huge penthouse in Manhattan... And I bet your shoes cost more than Nina's rent. I'd say you live a much better life. There's no material for her to use against you.

JAMIE: Really? How about the 30 pounds I gained after graduation?

VINCENT: You're beautiful, Jamie. Nina knows it. If she has anything negative to say about you, it's coming from a place of self-loathing.

JAMIE: Try a place of hating my guts. And the worst part is... I still miss her. A lot.

VINCENT: I know. And I know it's gonna be tough seeing her in person for the first time in 10 years.

JAMIE: Yeah.

VINCENT: But listen, it's just one night. After that, we can forget about her, Stella, Avery and whoever else wants to be a Negative-Nancy.

JAMIE: Negative-Nancy? You sound like my mother.

VINCENT: Wow, what an honor!

JAMIE: You know, if we could substitute your sarcasm for cash, we would live better than the Queen of England.

VINCENT: I... don't know about that...

Jamie and Vincent laugh.


Jamie walks down the town streets. Her high heels clack on the concrete. She enters the coffee shop.

As she walks in, she scans the room and encounters a flashback.

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