Chapter 23

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Note: Part 2. Hope you didn't expect the little revelations. I quite enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you enjoy reading it.


The figure turned slowly when he felt my presence and at the last second I realised that he wasn't that much of a threat as I saw the glow around his body, similar to the one that all my friends had on Monday.

"Lila" he said nodding at me. I nodded back but studied him at the same time.

He had his dark hair combed back and I saw that it curled at the ends, with dark brown eyes to match. He was wearing black trousers with a buttoned up shirt that was rolled up to his elbows. I could see that he wasn't overly buff, but it was enough to know that he could handle himself. Actually he was good looking but he wasn't like the guys that acted like they knew they were hot. I could instantly tell by the way he held himself that he wasn't one of those that believed he was a God and could get any girl he wanted. I estimated that he was perhaps around his early twenties and when he smiled at me I returned it. Wow he has a nice smile as well. I frowned at him straight after I smiled.

"Okay two questions, who are you? And how did you get in here?" I asked him. His lips raised in a slight smile.

"Actually I'm your-" he started just as the door opened and Mel walked in with Caleb, at the same time that everyone emerged in the doorways. I nodded to Chris and Wyatt, telling them in my own way that the guy who was standing opposite me was fairly safe.

"Guys in here" Wyatt nodded to Mel and Caleb. They walked over to us and Caleb froze.

"What are you doing here?" he groaned at the guy in front of me, but the guy smiled and turned his attention back to me.

"Since you are the one with demonic powers I think it may be better for me if I address you-" he said and I nodded before starting, liking the way he knew instantly that I may be the biggest threat at the moment. Wait how does he know about me? I was just about to ask him, when he held up a hand, cutting me off. "Relax, you don't need to be worried. You are my charges. My name is Derren" he said holding his hand out to me and I shook it.

"Actually you should probably be talking to them then" I said pointing my thumb to where Chris, Wyatt and Mel were standing. He chuckled and shrugged.

"Well I suppose you have a point there, but since they were listening I don't need to correct myself. Now I have familiarised myself a few of your powers but I don't know the extent of them" Derren said, looking at the Halliwells and I in turn. We all nodded.

"Now then Cal, what role do you play in this group?" Derren asked turning to face Caleb who was standing in the doorway leading to the hall, with Melinda. Caleb frowned before sighing. "-oh you haven't told them have you?" Derren asked and Caleb glared this time. Melinda froze and I grinned at her knowing that she was probably scared in case I was right and Caleb was in fact evil in some way. I wasn't worried though as I knew that he wasn't. Also he couldn't be if a whitelighter associated with him. Then again I don't suppose that means anything in this family.

I knew he was good because of the energy that he gave off. Ever since I apologised to him on Monday I became more closer to him. Not close in that we shared secrets and gave each other makeovers, though that would be strange since he was a guy, but close enough so now he knew about my elements and demonic powers. Due to us now getting along better though he allowed me to touch him and this time I got a full wave of his memories meaning I knew he was good, but he withheld certain information from me. It worried me at first but I wasn't too worried now.

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