Chapter 33

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Note: Part one of two uploads today yay I'm so nice. Anyway please comment, vote etc to show your support for this story and I hope you enjoy the chapter my lovelies.


"So I bet you're wondering a lot of things but I will begin with the easiest one. You're here so that I can give you guidance. I'm not allowed to give too much away due to consequences that may affect the future in ways that we don't want, but I will try my best to answer any questions you have if it won't give too much away" she said and I nodded, understanding the terms of the visit.

"So what exactly am I supposed to ask you?" I asked and she laughed at me.

"I said exactly the same thing. I mostly asked things about Chris because I was slightly unsure when I came here, but I guessed when you kissed his head, that unlike me you are sure about your feelings for him" I nodded at her before frowning.

"Did you not kiss your Chris when you left the room?" I asked her and she shook her head. I bit my lip at this information before I instantly thought of another question to ask.

"Will that simple gesture affect my future?" I asked her and her face showed she was thinking.

"I shouldn't think so. It may mean that you don't go through some of the arguments I had, but if your destiny is the same as what mine was, then you should still follow in my footsteps" she explained and I nodded before pushing a hand through my hair.

"Are you both happy?" I asked her and she smiled at me.

"Yes we are. What makes you ask that?" she replied and I shrugged.

"I don't know, I suppose it's just that my Chris thinks things between us might turn out horribly"

"But you don't believe that?" I shook my head at her question. She nodded thoughtfully before looking towards the doorway and nodding at something. I'm assuming that her Chris was talking to her through the bond. I bit my lip, feeling awkward. She sighed but looked back at me.

"Everything okay?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Nothing for you to worry about" she announced but I still worried.

"So I can't worry but you can?" she laughed.

"Okay if you want to know. Chris just talked to me through the bond, and he's found that your Chris is slightly different to him when he was in this position" she said and I nodded but shrugged.

"But I'm different as well, yet you don't seem to be worried" I said and she nodded. Maybe that meant she wasn't worried at all, about me and Chris being slightly different.

"I believe that there are slight changes in your life to mine, which means you may have different thoughts and feelings to what I had when I was in your position" she said and I nodded, feeling better before thinking of a few questions that I wanted to ask her but not knowing which one to ask first.

"Err before we arrived here Chris asked me a question about Wyatt. I'd explained to him that if we weren't meant to be together then we wouldn't be bonded, but Wyatt is like my brother and yet we are bonded. Do you know why that is?" I asked and future me titled her head at my question before frowning.

"Unfortunately that is something I cannot answer without giving too much away. I will say this though, all of your futures are twined together and so Wyatt was bonded to you for a reason. Don't worry though, you and your Wyatt aren't meant to be together" she grinned at me as she saw the shock on my face. I breathed out in relief.

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