Chapter 19

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Caroline's Pov (Once again trigger warning!)

I wake up on a table but everything hurts, even my private parts. Stan was right, I don't want to be awake during this. I try to move but I'm chained up against the table. I look around the room to find someone asleep in a chair. I try to look at the features and figure out it's Beth.

I move a bit, trying to see if I can move from the chains but it's no use.

"Oh Hi!" Beth says in her creepy excited voice making me jump. She stands up and walks out the door to only come back with a key and some crackers, Beth unchains me and hands me the crackers.

"Th-thanks" I stutter. I gladly take the cracker and eat them. I'm starving, wonder how long I was asleep? 

"Do you want a drink?!" She asks and I nod. She leaves the room with the door open and I stand up, trying to walk out the door but stumbling. I'm not going to run, I have no strength and don't know where to go past this door. So I just look through, observing the hallway. The hallways not too big, seems like a small house. There's no front door connected to this hallway and from the window in the hallway, it seems like we're on the second floor. There's a painting of the sky, there's letters at the bottom left, "BPW". I can only guess what those mean, the kidnappers name? The name of the painter? The location the painting was painted? Only god would know. I look out the window from afar and see that there's neighbors near by but no cars in the driveway. The window shows the front yard of the house perfectly, I see a decorative flamingo in the front but that's it, just plain. 

I hear foot steps coming towards the room so I quickly make my way towards the table and lay down. 

"I got your drink! Water is always the purest!" Beth proclaimed handing me the water. I grab the water sipping it.

"So who did you meet my father?" I questioned, putting down the cup. Beth looks at me, shocked but goes back to her overly excited face.

"Prison!" She says and I nod.

"Alright, a different question. How did you get out of prison?" I ask.

"Why all the questions?!" She argued and I shrug.

"Trying to get to know my kidnapper" I respond and Beth nods.

"Too many questions might give you disturbing answers." Beth warned. This response scared me, not because the wording was creepy, but she wasn't excited.

"Fair enough"

Josh's Pov

*Knock, knock, knock*

I wait patently out side of the so called Sarah Dawn's household, finding a little kid open the door.

"Mommy someone's at the door!" A boy, looks about 8, screams for his mother.

"Hello, um what's wrong officer?" The mother asked looking at detective Kyle. 

"Are you Sarah Dawn?" Kyle asks and she nods. Kyle shows her the warrant in his hands and explains to her that it's a quick search. She doesn't fight it, Kyle and his group of officers enter her home, searching room by room. One officer spends time with the mother and the child, comforting them that it's a quick search looking for a kidnapped child. I see that she's under a bunch of stress, saying "What do I have to do with a kidnap?". I walk over to her, hoping to explain the worst couple of days that have happened.

"Mrs?" I confront her.

"Miss" She corrects me and I apologize.

"Sorry. My daughter got kidnapped and well, your license plate front was almost identical to the camera footage we got." I say, hoping that she would forgive me for disturbing her. I have a deep feeling that she has nothing to do with it. She has a son for christ sake, why would she kidnap other kid?

"CLEAR" I hear the officers say and I hear an annoyed breath come out of Simon.

"Alright, who's house is next?" Simon questions Kyle.

"Well we need another warrant, this might take 2 days" Kyle responds calmly, I shake my head. this can't be real, my daughter can't be kidnapped. But yet, she is...


Do you guys enjoy the story and where it's heading?

Sorry for the late updates, my school is starting soon and I must prepare.

Y'all know I love you!

Good Bye

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