The Monster

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"I will always love you, Matt."

I had to tell him. If I died during this messed- up situation, I needed him to know. I had so many things to say to him, but before another word could leave my mouth, my masked captor dragged my down the hall and out the door of the motel. I try struggling against the person, but they have a strong hold around my arms and torso. I'm really stuck.

"I would advise you not to struggle if you have your best interest in mind, sweetheart."

The voice is low, but it's not familiar. This person could be Mike working for Mrs. Grawling again...

"Oh, and if I ask you to do something, you're gonna wanna do it. Or I promise that little boyfriend of yours will end up just like the kids at your orphanage."

Chills run down my body when this monster of a human being says those words. Wait, what? What happened to everyone?

We stop in our tracks and I realize that we are heading north down Route 9. We veer off the road and hide under some thick brush in a little secluded patch of woods. My kidnapper looks me right in the eyes as we crouch down. They are the color of the ocean, a deep blue with unimaginable depth.

"You try to make a run for it and a bullet will be put directly between your eyes."

I just nod shakily, trying not to cry.

"Good, we have an understanding. So you haven't heard the news about the Hawk Massacre?"

My jaw drops. All my emotions are let out. I just lose it and cry, but I do so silently so the masked person won't, you know, shoot my brains out.

"I'm gonna take that as a 'no.' My boss ordered my partner in crime to go and shoot up the place. Let's just say 'mission accomplished.' Not one survivor except that retarded supervisor." I see an evil grin form on its face. (yeah i'm referring to my captor as it, it's not acting humane enough for me to distinguish it as male or female yet.)

I guess that eliminates Mike as a possibility for who this is........ All the kids at the orphanage are gone. Innocent little kids!

"You're sick." I hear the venom oozing out of my own voice.

And, I said that out loud. Great.

"What did I just hear you say?" The grip on my arms tightens until all circulation is cut off.

Well, I'm already dead, so why not tell this monster how terrible it is?

"You're sick. Just disgusting! How could you even do that? How could you laugh as innocent children die?!??? It's revolting! You don't even deserve to be called a human being! You're a monster, that's what you are!!!!!!!!"

Then, I hear a rustling from behind us. Next to me, 'it' pulls the gun out of its backpack and aims it towards the direction the noise comes from.

And shoots.

What I see next makes me want to die.


Matt on the grassy green floor.


I run towards him, breaking free from the monster who shot the one person in the world who I care about. I reach into his pocket and dial 9-1-1 before my kidnapper can stop me. I'm able to get through to a dispatcher and tell them where we are before I hear a cackling sound coming from behind me. I slip Matt's pocket knife out of his other pocket and hide it in my hand. I rip off strips of my shirt and tie them around Matt's leg to try and stop the bleeding. Then I drag him behind the nearest bushes. I can hear the ambulance sirens getting closer and closer with each passing second, along with my captors footsteps. I just pray that the EMT's would find us before the stalker. As each second ticks on by, Matt's breaths become shallower and shallower, and his pulse becomes slower and slower. I sob into my arm, careful not to make any sound. The EMT's are running through the woods now, I can here their calls.

Matt's pulse is beating at different intervals now.

He's going to die if I don't do something.

I get the pocket knife ready, and jump out from behind the bush.

"Here!! Over here, help!"

The EMT's come rushing toward us with two stretchers in hand. Then, black spots begin to cloud my vision. The last things I see are a blur.

A black-hooded, masked figure running away from the crime scene.

And Matt mouthing the words,

"I won't leave you."

A/N: I am again back from the dead!!!!!! I apologize for the lack of updates, I have literally no time to sit down and type, so I apologize in advance :(((((( forgive me?!?? well I hope u do! :) sooooooo..... what did ya'll think of this chappie?!? I hope you enjoyed the action :) I need you guys to comment on what u want to happen next with this story! does matt live? does Christina EVER get to Staten Island and solve the mystery of her and Maria? and WHO IN THE WORLD IS THE PSYCHOTIC STALKER?!?!? leave a comment below, or follow and send me a private message! also


pretty please with a cherry on top?!?

thanks for getting me 802 reads, 88 votes, and 40 comments on this book, it means the world to me! I love you all so so much! thanks for reading!!!! **1 Timothy 4:3** -marierosa13

PS- I am SO SO SORRY, again, for the lack of updates. And this chapter is RLYYYYY SHORT!! don't be mad, soon I'll have some time to rly sit down and write :)

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