Chapter 5: First Day Of Hell

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I bolted out of the front door an sprinted towards the bus. The bus or the big "cheese" as my dad used to call it when I was little, was sitting outside my drive way. Panting heavily, I reach the bus an climb inside. Students were staring at me, some were just a soft glance, Others were just giving me the stink eye or smirking at me. My stomach felt uneasy, the feeling you get when something bad was about to happen but never knew when. I took my seat and the bus sped off to pick up the other kids. During that time, I just slipped my ear buds in my ears and listened to music. Closing my eyes, I lay my head against the vibrating window. I was still tired cause I didn't get enough sleep last night due to last nights fiasco. The song that was playing was love story by Taylor Swift.

I sigh softly thinking of the past back when Mason was still alive. The thought of him still stung like the worlds worst bee sting. I did my best to hold back a tear, not wanting anyone to see me crying. Some people may cry in front of others, but me, its a whole new ball park. The way I see it, it makes me feel weak. Thirty minutes would pass an the bus would pull into the parking bus lot then came to a stop. Opening my eyes I pause the song that was playing on my phone then got up. I waited till everyone was off the bus to exit. That feeling in my stomach never went away. The closer I got to the building the bigger the filling got. I entered the school an walked down to my locker. While I walked, I felt eyes burning through me an got the feeling of being watched. I turned around quickly but to my surprise, no one was standing there.

Biting my lower lip ever so slightly I turn back around. When I did, There was a male standing there staring at me. My eyes would go wide an jumped nearly a foot in the air. I fell onto my ass while my heart would be beating a mile a minute. The boy sorta looked like Mason except his hair was Black. He stared at me with his cold ice blue eyes an smirked. "Didn't mean to scare you...Kira. My eyes got wider. How did he know my name? Could he be that mystery facebook guy from yesterday? Finally, I managed to choke out the words "How did you know my name?" He chuckled softly an said "News travels fast. I'm Jason." He extended his left hand out an helps me up. How ironic...same name as that fella on Facebook. I stared up at him with my ice blue optics an managed to pull off a smile.

His skin though was pale and cold....cold as in death which made me even more nervous. I must admit, I felt a slight spark but how could a cute guy like that go for me? He reminded me so much on how Mason looked. I look away an say "I need to head to class, before I'm late..See you around Mason...I mean Jason! I'm sorry, just you look like someone I used to know...." I felt my face turn right red an spread all throughout my face, causing him to chuckle. "It's fine, I get that a lot myself. I'll see you around" With that being said, we went our separate ways. Quickly, I made my way to class which was Gym. Great. A class where I was never good at an felt more embarrassed. Thank god I thought ahead an brought some stuff. I walked into the girls locker room to see them undressing an getting dressed. Grabbing my gym clothes, I quickly run into a stall an change, not wanting anyone to see me change. Call me whatever you like, but I don't like dressing in front of anyone, even if its the same gender as me. Once I was done, I slipped on my tennis shoes and walked out the stall an fixed my hair up into a pony tail so it wouldn't get all tangled. Least they make you use the showers so you wouldn't go throughout the day smelling like stinky gym socks an sweat. Girls would stare at me an smirked an some just smiled kindly at me. Hopefully I'll fit in..Back in my old school nobody liked me. I was called a slut, whore, tramp, skank, everything just about in the book.

I walk towards the door to exit the locker room only to hear a girl on the other side of the lockers behind me say "looks like we got some fresh meat, this should be interesting.." Not wanting to stick around for what she was going to do, I quickly run out an into the large gym. Looking around I saw people walking around the inside track. The coach instructed me to do the same so I did. I felt a pair of eyes watching my every move so I turned around to see Jason staring at me. My cheeks were still red from earlier's embarrassment. He jobs over towards me an grinned. My god was this guy hot. I shake the thoughts of my mind an looked up at him. He was about 6'1 so he was pretty damn tall considering I'm only 5'2. "Hey Kira, you alright? You look like your about to faint." He asked with a concerned tone in his voice. Choking out the words "Yeah I'm fine"

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