Chapter 8: It was all just a dream...

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I awake several hours later to find myself on the couch with my hair still damp from taking a shower...although, I don't really remember taking a shower before laying down an watching a movie. Sitting up, I yawn an rub my eyes then stretch out, popping a few bones in my arms. "Man...what a dream..It was course a good one. It was a dream that I saw Mason again and he took on the body of Jason.." Standing up I notice that I was slightly weak in the knees and my vaginal area was slightly sore. "What is my body reacting to?" I think to myself and head towards the bathroom. Opening the door, I turn on my light an rub my eyes while making my way to the sink. Turning on the sink, I notice a hand print on my left wrist. "What the...? Did I beat myself up in my sleep again or something?" Shaking my head I turn my attention to the sink and place my forehead against the mirror, looking down at it while slowly tracing the lines on my arm. Looking up, I see Mason. Instead, he didn't look his normal self.

His eyes wasn't the beautiful ice blue I once knew. They were a soulless, pitch black color. He stands there as a grin starts to run across his face. To my surprise, they weren't normal either. They were sharp and demonic like. My eyes widen In shock and fear, I go to scream but nothing comes out. My blood runs cold and my body is dead still. I couldn't move even if I wanted to, I was that scared. He walked towards me an before he could even place his hand on my neck. My eyes shoot wide open an I let out a loud, blood curling scream. Loud enough to where my parents heard an immediately rushed into my room. My dad was in his white, red hearted boxers and my mother had on a silky night gown that fitted her body perfectly. My father had a metallic baseball bat in his hands, ready to swing at anything. "What's going on in here? Are you alright!?" My dad said. Catching my breath, I looked up at him and nodded, saying "Yeah, I'm fine, just a real...real bad nightmare.."

My parents nod and walk away an my dad closes the door. Once my body had stopped shaking, I get up and head towards my bathroom. Damn dreams are coming every time I fall asleep. They feel real too an its hard to explain. The only thing that still felt real was the pain I was getting in my vaginal area. It felt like a train had rushed up inside me an got stuck. My legs didn't feel strong as they normally do, they felt like Jello all wobbly. I make my way to the tub and turn the shower on then strip down an slip inside, closing the shower door. Sticking my head under the running water, I apply my coconut scented shampoo. After a few minutes had passed, I was done working on my hair and started to wash my body. The pain had never really gone away but I have tried to ignored it. It was about midnight at this point and I was worn out. Tomorrow was a school day...ugh just kill me now. To be bluntly honest, I rather be dead then to be running laps around the outdoor track for an hour and a half with no break, no breather, nothing.

Stopping the water, I open the shower door and wrap the towel tightly around my body and then another towel around my hair. I look over to see "HOPE YOU LIKE YOUR LITTLE PRESENT, PRINCESS, ENJOY I'LL BE WATCHING YOU" Was Written out in bold letters on my mirror. Thinking it was some prank my parents decided to pull on me, I thought nothing of it and exited my bathroom and walked into my bedroom. I walk to my closet an pulled out my pajama's then slipped them on an climbed into bed. Unable to go to sleep, I grab my laptop and hopped onto facebook to see what the daily scoop was about. Nothing out of the ordinary, some shit about Justin Bieber or Donald Trump being posted, nothing interesting, least not to me. Finally, A message from Jason popped up. I looked down as it said "See you tomorrow at school, beautiful. Hope you enjoyed our little session tonight, I know I did ;)" Little session? What the hell is he talking about.

I quickly respond saying "Um....did you mean to send that to someone else or something?" After a few moments later, He sent a message saying "Nope, It was all meant for you sweet pea. I must admit, your a loud lil one who has quite a pair of lungs on her~" My eyes go wide as I think for a moment, thinking "When was he here?! I don't remember him even showing up on my doorstep period. Ignoring the message I sigh softly and moved along onto youtube and watched some funny videos. Most of them were Omegle pranks and people playing ding dong ditch on people. Laughing from the clips, I forget about the pain I was feeling and started to slowly begin to feel sleepy. Looking at the time it was about 1:30 am. Ugh...if it were a time to get the stomach flu, now would be the time...and that's truly saying something cause I hate throwing up. That's one of my biggest fears. Signing off my laptop, I place it on the computer desk and crawl under the blankets an turn off my lamp, looking at my flat screen television.

Nothing was really on except reruns from todays episodes. Toddlers in Tiaras....what a dumb show, who dresses their kids like teens when they are still probably pissing in their own bed? I mean come on people get with the program an stick to reality instead of sticking on fake eye lashes on your damn daughter! The show possibly has millions of sex offenders watching an probably jerking off. How disgusting and what example does it show for your daughter? Only teaches her how to be a spoiled little brat later on in life and probably the next pron star. Rolling my eyes, I shut off the television an place the remote inside my drawer in my nightstand an curl up into a ball, cuddling up to Masons hoodie that still smelt like him. Call me stupid, but I think of it as a security blanket. With it, I feel safe and feel like nothing else in this world could ever hurt me, but without it, I feel powerless. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep, hoping that I don't have anymore nightmares cause honestly, I need the sleep...I just realized I have a test in the morning and I never even studied for it! I hide my face deep into the hoodie and drift off to a more, deep sleep.

(Sorry that it's so small xD

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(Sorry that it's so small xD. But yeah, those are her pajama's.)

(One of the video's she was watching~) 

(Video number two, R.I.P Pervert Pete TT^TT, No he isn't dead irl he just stopped making pervert Pete videos.) 

SIDE NOTE: Hope you guys enjoy the chapter, Please follow for more updates. 

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