Chapter 7: It is....

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I awoke several hours later In what looked like a living room. To my surprise, it looked nice and clean. At the back of my mind, I was thinking "Was this all a dream?" I sit up on the couch as my eyes wondered around. With curiosity, I get up and start walking around. The last thing I remember before passing out was seeing Mason...How can that be when he's dead? Most importantly, why does Jason keep saying that he's Mason? Shit doesn't make sense, not one little bit. I turn around the corner to see a light coming from the kitchen and see a male silhouette. Sighing softly, I walk into the kitchen to see Jason.. "Did you just kidnap me? If so, it was a poor attempt ya know." He chuckled softly an turned to me. "Well I wasn't gonna leave you laying there out cold. Could've been raped or killed." I stood there for a moment thinking "who the hell is this guy? An why is he stalking me.." So you are the one who sent me that message on my phone huh? First off, its not cool to act like my dead ex. And second of all, how the hell did you get my number?"

He turned around to face me an cross his arms, looking at me with his ice blue optics. "I told you Kiara, I'm Mason" Feeling my blood boil to a blinding rage I walk up to the male and give him a hard slap to the face. Leaving him standing there looking speechless, I quickly ran out the door with tears rushing down her face. How could someone dare say they are your dead ex? That's just flat out heartless. Least in my book. I run through the woods, jumping over logs and what not. After running for about twenty minutes or more I finally reach my home. Opening and closing the door I instantly fall to my knees, trying to catch my breath. Suddenly, I Hear footsteps coming from my bedroom. Which was weird cause no one was home except for me. After drinking a glass of water an catching my breath, I grab my metallic baseball bat and slowly yet quietly head up the stairs. When I reached my door an placed my hand on the knob and turned it slowly.

Once it was open, I pushed the door forward an jump in, ready to slam my bat into whoever was in my room. My eyes go wide when I soon see that no one was there. "what the hell is going on here?" I stand there for a minute or so an chew on my nails. I do that as a nervous habit like any other ordinary teenager. Heading towards my closet I open the door and pull out the Ouija board. I remember back when me and Mason played this games just for laughs and gags. Never did I ever expect to be using it to see if ghosts exist. I turn off all the lights and sit on the ground, lighting up the candles an sighed deeply. Closing my eyes an slowly moves the game piece in circles, I finally ask "Is anyone here...?" Just when I thought nothing was going to happen, I feel the object slowly move to the word "Yes" I feel my body tense up as there was a cold breeze next to me. "Are you a demon or Spirit" The game pieces would slowly move to the letters "s.p.i.r.i.t" Spelling out, Spirit.

"What does your name start out with..?" The game piece would then slowly move to the letter "M" I take in a deep breath as I feel my body tense up abit more. "Is your name...Mason...?" The game piece would move to the word "Yes" My eyes go wide an I feel a cool breeze brush up against my cheek. "Make yourself known then. Prove that you are Mason.." Once that was said, there was a mist like fog entering the room, seeping through the cracks and the mist slowly forms into a male figure. I looked up at the figure and there he was...staring at me...I felt my heart stop an leap out of my chest. "M-mason......" I pinched myself to see if I was dreaming and this time, it was real. His spirit is standing in my room, staring right at me. Tears immediately rush down my face an suddenly, I realize something..he looked exactly like Jason. I quickly put the game away an hear a knock coming from my door. Wiping the tears away, I go downstairs to see who it was.

When I opened the door, It was Jason. He looked at me an smiled. "I told you, I was watching you..." He placed his hand on my cheek while the tears continued to fall. It was him. Jason was telling the truth. How can this be? I thought he died from that car accident..there was a funeral and everything. I was lost for words an finally, He asked "can I come in?" I nod an step to the side as he walked inside and looked around. It wasn't long till I felt his lips press up against mine. I stared at him in "awe" for a moment before asking "How did you..." He chuckled and responded with "I'll explain later" He grins an kisses me deeply an passionately an presses me up against the kitchen wall. Grinning, I slowly wrap my arms around his neck as he picks me up an slowly wraps my legs around his waist. His lips travel down to her neck as he starts kissing her weak spot. A soft moan would slip past her lips, causing her to bite her lower lip. Mason would place his left hand on her left breast as he pressed her tighter up against the wall. "Don't drop me~" He smiled and replied with "Never in my life will I ever drop you"He smiles an starts to grind his hips up against me.

I blush deeply as I start to feel his hard on press up against me. Biting my lower lip, I take off his shirt and he takes off mine. I look up at him for permission to remove his pants. He smiles and nods as I unbuckle and unzip his pants. Kissing him deeply, I slowly pull his pants down and slowly pull his dick out of his boxers an slowly start rubbing it. He moans softly in pleasure as I feel him getting harder in my hand. I bite my lower lip as I feel myself getting aroused. He slowly unzips my pants and slowly pulls them down as he looks up at me. "You ready~?" I bite my lower lip and nod. Once I did, I felt him slowly rub his tip against my area. He then pushes himself in an I wince slightly while nibbling on his ear lobe. He softly grunts an starts moving his hips back and forth while my back is up against the wall. He removes my bra an starts sucking on my neck as I moan softly. He starts to move his hips abit faster as I lean my head back an tighten my leg grasp. "ahhh Mason~ faster~"

I moaned as he starts moving his hips alil faster, taking my hands an pinning them up against the wall. Mason bites his lower lip an looked up at me with his ice blue eyes. "Kiara~ I-I'm gonna~" I kiss him deeply as if it was a way of giving him permission to squirt inside me. He kisses back just as deeply an pushes himself all the way in and cums. I start breathing heavily as he thrusts a few more times to make sure he got it all out. Once he was sure, he pulled out an slipped back inside his boxers, pulling his pants back up then sits me down. My legs were like Jello and wobbly. I carefully put my clothes back on an after I did, I passed out. A few hours pass and I awake beside him. I smile softly an hide my face deep in his chest thinking "He's got some explaining to do...." I close my eyes and fall asleep for the rest of the night, clinging onto Mason for dear life.

" I close my eyes and fall asleep for the rest of the night, clinging onto Mason for dear life

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(Mason's Living room)

(The game) 

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(The game) 

Side note: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! More will be coming. Stay tuned and follow for more updates!

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