Chapter 15: Trust Nobody...

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     "Fine, I'll be yours..." Was the last thing I said before the two of us had vanished off of the cliff and into the underworld. There was no signs of sunshine, only darkness..At least I wasn't scared of the dark. Mason wraps his arm around me tightly, brining me closer to him as he places a kiss on my forehead. My god does his breath stink...talking about needing a peppermint cause this boy needs one. The two of us would head towards the throne room where the lord of the underworld sat. Once we reached the throne room, Mason kneeled down to the ground an looked up at Hades. "My lord, I've brought Kiara here like you requested. Now I believe I deserve my reward for going through such hassle...the girl sure is feisty from the last I came encountered with her. I looked over at Mason, giving him nothing but the stink eye as Hades chuckled. "Yes, your now the new prince of the underworld, my son.." My eyes had went wide the moment he had said it....His son?! "WHAT THE HELL?! YOU MEAN TO TELL ME HADES IS YOUR FATHER?!" 

    Mason looks over at me and smirks, nodding. "He is indeed." I crossed my arms and looked at him. "Why me though? Of all people why did you choose me...?" "Because I've reached the age where I needed to marry in order to keep my crown and royal name." Gotta admit...that hurt. "So...this is a sham never really loved me to begin with...?" I looked up at him with hurt filled eyes, doing everything I possibly can to hold back the tears. "Well I wouldn't say that, I still and always will love you, It's just going to take time to get used to my powers once again" Looking down, my bangs cover my eyes. "Will I ever see my family again?" I then heard Mason chuckle. "Hey a promise is a promise isn't it? If it's one thing you should know about me, it's that I never lie." You lied to me though....Was running through my mind but I knew better then to say anything to him about that. I'm human....and he....well, I don't know if he's a monster or not. Only one way to find out. Mason turned over towards me. 

    "Since you are my Fiancée once again, I might as give you this." He said with a grin, getting down on one knee, taking my hand. The ring was honestly beautiful. It had a large ruby stone inside with diamonds on the band. At least he remembered my birth stone, I'll give him that.. "Will you marry me, Kiara." Smiling softly, I said "Yes" like I had a choice. Although, it seemed that his eyes lit up with joy as he slipped the ring onto my finger. Once he did, he got up an kissed me deeply on the lips. I couldn't help but kiss back. I'm starting to wonder if they even have breath mints here in hell. Mason quickly gives me a tour around the castle, I must admit, this place is huge. I might as well get used to it here. We stop at the bedroom chambers and he kneels down, kissing my stomach. "I can't wait till the baby arrives. I've always wanted to be a father." I smile softly, looking down at him. Least he has a soft spot for children. He gets up and opens the door to our bedroom. Surprisingly, it looked nice. I'm honestly shocked. 

    The two of us go inside and I got into the bathroom to change. When I come out, Mason was already in his boxers and asleep. Damn, that was fast. I crawled into bed and curled up into a small ball, falling asleep. The next morning slowly arrives and I awake, sitting up in the bed to look around. Looking beside me, I noticed that Mason wasn't there. Wondering where he went off to, I get up and walk around in hopes to find him. Turning the corner, I hear male like moans coming from the closet. Being curious, I peek though the key hole, my eyes go wide when I see Mason. That bastard was getting a fucking blowjob..I felt my heart drop and shatter, getting old flashbacks of my ex boyfriend doing the same exact thing. Grabbing the doorknob, I open the door and swing it open, catching them both off guard. Mason looked at me as if he was a deer with headlights. "K-Kiara I can--" "Save it. Want her? You can have her." *Removing the ring, I throw it at him and walk away. Hearing my name being called, I started sprinting. Tears swell up into my eyes and slowly begin to trickle down my cheeks. How could he...I thought he loved me...Maybe all men are the yet, I'm supposed to marry this lying, cheating, bastard? 

     I don't care what he says, I'll have my family move. At this point, I rather die then to spend the rest of my years with a cheater. Hearing footsteps behind me, I quickly run the hallway and run into a different room an lock the door, barricading myself inside. I can hear Mason banging on the door begging and pleading me to come out or to open the door. Tears were rolling down my face and I crawl under the bed to hide in hopes that If he were to come in, he couldn't find me. Oh real smart...hide in the one place killers look in all the horror movies or in the closet. Real original. I cover my mouth to keep my breathing low. I felt my body tense up with fear as I hear Mason's bod thrust up against the door, trying to bust himself in. "JUST GO AWAY!" I said while silent sobs came out an tears poured from my cheeks. "I'm sorry..." Jason said as he placed his forehead against the door. Hearing the males footsteps walk away from the door, I crawl out from under the bed and sit on the bed, wiping the tears from my eyes. I guess the Mason I knew and loved is gone..all I see now when I look at him, is an always will be a dirty, lying, cheater. Curling up into a tiny ball on the bed, I place my hand on my belly while frowning "I'm sorry little one that you can't have a normal life...but I'll do everything I possibly can to protect you at all cost, even if that means my life...." With that being said, I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep onto the bed. Hoping that this nightmare would end. But sadly, this was no nightmare, this was reality.

 But sadly, this was no nightmare, this was reality

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(The underworld Castle) 

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(Kiara's engagement ring)

SIDE NOTE: I hope you all enjoy the new chapter! please follow my page for more chapter updates. This book will be ending at chapter 16 BUT a new Sequel will be coming out. Enjoy and stay tuned for more! 

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