Chapter 12: Unexpected..

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Sitting in my desk, I sigh softly. The classroom is dead silent. Someone could drop a pin and everyone could hear it. Finishing my work for first period, I close my laptop and lay my head down, closing my eyes. My head was, actually hurting due to the stress I had been under for the last few days...and it all started when Jason sent me that damn message on facebook. Slowly drifting off to sleep, I started dreaming. Dreaming about what would've happened if Mason hadn't died in that car accident. Sometimes I wish that it was me who had died instead of him. He had so much to live for a me...well, what did I have? I'm basically living on my own cause neither one of my parents are at home, I don't have any friends an haven't made any since I moved here yeah, why was my life spared? Was it just so I can live throughout the rest of my days feeling nothing but pain and emptiness? I figure so..I drift off to sleep when suddenly, I feel my stomach beginning to toss and turn, doing cartwheels.

The feeling was actually making me begin to feel nauseated. I hide my face deeper into my arm, hoping that the feeling would go away, but sadly, it wouldn't. Could it be something I had ate? Or was I just starting to get the stomach flu? I raise my hand to excuse me from the class so I can go to the restroom. The teacher nods in agreement an I get up, quickly going out the door an sprinting down the halls. Once I go into the girls restroom, I enter the empty stall an drop to my knees, hovering my head over the toilet and started throwing up. What's making me sick? Was running through my head. I honestly had no idea what's making me throw up..I didn't eat anything this morning and it isn't the stomach flu...This was a real mystery. When I stopped throwing up, I pulled my head back an just sat there for awhile, leaning my head back an looking up at the ceiling while hugging my knees tightly and sighed. Getting up, I flush the toilet an walk over to the sink an washed my hands.

Once my hands were washed, I splashed my face, thinking "I need to go home..I still don't feel right.." I stare down at the sink then looked up. When I did, There was a little boy who stood about 2 feet tall. He had red hair and blue eyes. I stand there for a minute an lifted an eyebrow. "Hey lost?" The boy just stood there. "You know, your in the womens bathroom right?" No response. I turned to look at the boy who was just staring at me. I kneel down to my knees an gently place my hand against his cheek. "You okay? You feel cold..." The boy just remained silent. Although, I had the strange feeling that I knew him from somewhere. Like he was someone who was really important to me. Who is this boy? Why is he just standing there staring at me? Am I supposed to know him or something? The boy would walk towards me and place hand on my stomach. He looks up at me and giggled then vanished into thin air as his giggles rang throughout the entire bathroom.

Now I'm starting to get creeped out..Was he a ghost or something? First they haunt my house and now their following me wherever I go? Or maybe, this school is haunted and some kindergarten died in the bathrooms? Either way, that was creepy and I felt nothing but a small burst of cold air when he laied his hand on my stomach. Walking out of the bathroom, I head towards the nurses office asking if it was alright to go home considering the fact I had just gotten sick to my stomach. She nodded in agreement an said it was alright to leave. I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the two double doors then headed straight for the woods. My house wasn't far off, I live just down the block from my school and up the really big hill. I start to think for a moment that I still had homework to finish an forgot about it last night, thankfully it wasn't that much so I can easily finish it when I get home and go back to sleep. It was 8:10 In the morning and the birds start chirping away.

Thirty minutes or so pass by and I arrive at my house out of breath. I walk in to my home and head towards the fridge an grab a ginger ale to help settle my stomach. Opening the bottle, I take few sips and head towards my bedroom. When I entered, I sat down in my computer chair an logged into the laptop an started to do my homework. Out of no where, I suddenly get the slightest urge to Google "Early signs of pregnancy" Why the hell did that pop in my head? I only had sex once.. Well, at least to my knowledge. I go an searched up the early signs of pregnancy. All that popped up was results of "Nausea, vomiting, wait gain," so on and so forth. I exit the page an proceed my search. About an hour passes by and I finally finish my homework from last night and today. Now all I had was to sit back and relax. My stomach started to growl as I suddenly had a weird craving for pickles. I get up and grab my hoodie then head towards the store to buy a jar.

Why was I getting these weird cravings? I absolutely have no clue. I enter the store after thirty minutes or so an walk down the pickle isle an out of no where, I hear that strange boys giggling again. I look behind me to see no one but a store clerk behind me. Oh great, now I'm starting to hear things...Why me...why is this all happening to me? Am I being punished for something I did? If so, I've learned my lesson. I grab a medium sized jar of sweet pickles and walk towards the check out section. I stop and stand there for a minute. Something told me to go down the health care isle. Heading towards the isle, I walk into the side where there was pregnancy tests, pills, vitamins, stretch mark gel, and a bunch of other crap. Why on earth am I even on this isle? I look up and grab a clear blue pregnancy test and head towards the check out lane once again. Sighing softly, I get my things ringed up and the clerk gives me this dirty look.

"The fuck is your problem?" My eyes widen, realizing what I had just said. Damn word vomit. The clerk stayed silent and proceeded to check my items out. "5.25 please." I hand the clerk his money an take my stuff then leave an head back towards my home. After a nice thirty minute walk, I walk into the door and go straight to my room an bathroom, taking the test with me. I enter the bathroom an close the door then take the test. Closing my eyes I was thinking "What on earth am I doing?" After a minute or so passes I look at the test to look at the results. When I looked at the test, my eyes went wide with shock and my heart dropped from my chest to the pit of my stomach. was.....positive....

(The boy from the restroom)

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(The boy from the restroom)

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(The pregnancy test)

Side note: I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Like the story so far? Be sure to follow for more updates! I'll be sure to follow back. 

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