Chapter 14: The Decision

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Hearing my alarm clock go off, I open my eyes slowly. Instead of a bright sunny day, it was dark an rainy. The kind of weather where you just wanna say screw it and crawl back into bed and not leave for the remainder of the day just so you could listen to the rain drops hit the roof top. Groaning softly, I manage to pull myself out of bed and head towards my bathroom. Entering the bathroom, I turn the water on and splash water onto my face in hopes that it'll wake me up. Once I had splashed my face, I walked out of the bathroom an right back into my bedroom then strip off my pajamas, putting on todays school clothes. While clipping my bra on, I look at the clock. 7:00. I stood there to think for a moment, wondering if I took my shower last night an realized I didn't. Quickly, I take off my bra and undies then run to my bathroom, turning on the shower then hop inside the tub. I got forty five minutes to spare and it usually takes me thirty to shower and ten minutes to eat..leaving me five minutes of free time before I go back to the hell house.

She sighed softly while feeling the warm water hit her body while she scrubbed her coconut scented shampoo till it lathered. Once it was lathered, she bends over to twist and put her hair onto of her head so she could attend to washing the rest of her body. It's said that if you lather your head and let the shampoo dry, it get the hair cleaner but hey, that just came off the Internet and I'm giving it a test ride. I take my sweetpea body wash an squirt it onto my wash rag then started scrubbing my body well. The thought of being pregnant still hasn't sank in, and the guy is dead..that just doesn't make sense whatsoever. Once my body fully soapy, I get under the warm running water an wash it off. Call me stupid, but I think warm showers are the best way to wake up in the mornings, it makes you more alert. Once the soap was off my body I stay under the running water to get the shampoo out of my head then I start to apply my Coconut scented conditioner. After working the conditioner throughout my head, I stop the water.

Stepping out of the shower, I grab my light pink towel and tightly wrap it around my body. Cool bursts of air come blowing into my face, it was kind of relaxing if you ask me. I bend over to wrap a towel around my head then walk out of my bathroom, going into my bedroom. The thoughts of me being a mother were scary. What if the child doesn't like me? Most of all, what if the child becomes like its father..? Now that right there is a scary thought if you ask me. Taking my towel off, I place it in the dirty clothes hamper then start to put on my school clothes. Once I was fully dressed, I walk over to my make up station an I start to put on my make up. Ugh, I really don't want to go...too many fakes and bullies...Wouldn't be so damn bad if the teachers or the principal would step in every now and then just to knock some sense into the students. You get no where in life by being a bully....even if your a slut spreading your legs, it gets you no where except a disease or two. I sigh softly and get up then grab my bag.

Walking out of my bedroom, I spray some of my perfume on and walk down the steps then slide It into my pocket. I grab my phone and look at the time. 7:30. Perfect timing. Ten minutes to eat. That's all I need, I'm not one of those people who take hours to chew a damn cheerio. Entering the kitchen, the scent of turkey bacon, eggs, sausage and toast fill my nose. Truly smelt like heaven. My stomach lets out a loud growl as I sit down and start eating. While eating, I see the message that Jason had sent me 6:30 this morning. Why in hell was he up that early? The message said "Hope you came up with an answer, sweetheart." I felt my stomach drop. Suddenly, I wasn't feeling so hungry but of course I ate anyways. Sipping on my orange juice, I look at the time. 7:40..damn, time went by awfully quickly. "I love ya'll see you after school." I go an kiss my mother and father on the cheek, hugging them tightly as I did everything I possibly could to no bust into tears in front of the. To be honest, I'm scared..what if he doesn't keep his word? Then I've lost everything. Fighting off the tears, I go outside and head to my bus stop.

Rain continues to fall, it was nearly impossible to even see but I still manged to know where I was going. Sighing softly I sit on the bench and wait for the bus while I got soaked in the rain due to not having an umbrella. I didn't give a damn though, I loved the rain. Hell, I'd almost walk in the rain butt naked an not give a damn who saw...perverts. Laughing lowly to the thoughts running through my mind, I hear the bus coming and I get up, swinging my bag onto my shoulder. The bus arrives and I climb on then sit down in the front row. After thirty minutes of sitting on the bus, we finally arrive. I was the first one to be off the bus to hell an went inside, heading straight to my locker. When I turn the corner, the group of cheerleaders were blocking it. Thinking to myself, I'm thinking "Oh great...todays going to be one of them days again I guess." Shaking my head, I walk towards them an went for my locker, ignoring them. Out of nowhere, I felt my body being rammed up against the locker, hard.

Looking up, it was my ex best friend Lexi having me by the throat. Growling lowly, I try to kick her off me. When I do, she goes ramming into my ex, who's still her boyfriend. "Bitch get the fuck off me I'm not in the mood for your bullshit today." Lexi smirked an glared at me. "Too bad skank, imma kick your ass." She goes to throw a punch but I duck just in time cause when the punch connected, it connected to My ex boyfriend, Josh. Her eyes go wide an she goes to him, apologizing. "You ignorant whore...I'm not fighting you cause for one, I'm pregnant...two, I don't want shit on my hands...and that's what you are to me...shit." Her eyes go wide with shock when I mentioned I was pregnant. Just like when we were friends, she rushed to my side asking questions. Who's the father, was he around the same school, what's his old is he? I stopped her right before she could get the question "Wh---" out of her mouth.

"None of your business, nothing I do anymore is any of your business cause I honestly want nothing to do with your ass. Lil miss sleep with everyones boyfriend. She looks at me with guilt and apologetic eyes, trying to grab my shoulder as if she wanted me to wait for her, I simply brushed it off and walked away, heading to class. I simply didn't have the time to deal with her. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Personally, I hope the bitch dies. That's how much hatred I have for her. That's how I truly feel about her. She's nothing to me and never will be. She knew how much I loved him and yet she went after him..not my fault that all the guys who hitted on her were old enough to be her grandpa, knowing her, she probably did date an old geezer. The day goes on and soon it's time to go home. I get off the bus and head inside. Walking into my room, I sit my things down onto the bed and sat down, sighing softly and holding her head tightly due to her head busting with stress.

Laying down onto the bed, I fall asleep an take a nap. After a few hours had pass, I awake to see it was 7:30. Almost sundown. Jason had blown my phone up with messages and I quickly grab my shoes and run out the door, running into the woods an going towards the destination he wanted me to show up at. Soon, I finally reached the destination. It was a cliff where you could see just about anything and everything possible. Truly beautiful sight. I look over to see Jason coming out of the shadows with a serious look on his face. "So....have you decided?" I stood there thinking for awhile, if I went with him, my family would be left alone an I can continue my life...but stay with someone I no longer had feelings for cause their a complete psychopath. Or, my family would be erased from existence. Jason extends his hand out as the sun began to set. Looking at him, my body tensed up with nervousness. "And you promise my family will be okay?" Jason smiled softly an nodded "You have my word" Once he had said that, I took his hand. "Fine, I'll be yours"

(The sunset for the scene

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(The sunset for the scene.)

Side note: Hope you all enjoy, things are going to get heated. If you like the story, please follow my page for more updates, will be updating every Monday-Friday, 3 chapters a day. Enjoy and stay tuned~!

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