Chapter 6: It can't be....Can it?

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I lay on the couch fast asleep, trying to figure out who Jason is and why he reminds me so much of Mason. The thought of it was giving me a headache to be honest. After being asleep for what seemed forever, I started having random flashbacks of what had happened to Mason. I remember when the cops came knocking on my parents door to tell the horrible news. I remember the reaction I had. It felt like, I couldn't breath. That my heart had stopped as well. I couldn't cry. I just stood there, breathless. Once it finally sunk in that he was gone forever, I broke into tears an wouldn't eat for days. I remember when I even tried to commit suicide cause it felt like with him gone, A large piece of me went with him and I just felt empty. For years I have went with the pain an slowly got used to it. He's always on my mind 24/7. I'd give anything just to see him again really. Even if it meant my own life. I just miss everything about him.

His eyes, his smile, his scent, everything. I still wear his hoodie everywhere I go cause it still smells like him. Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks while they are still closed. I hear a loud crash coming from the attic. Jumping nearly a foot In the air, I wipe the tears away and looks up an hear faint footsteps. I get up and head towards the window to see that my parents cars weren't in the drive way. My heart suddenly drops to the very pit of my stomach an had a large lump in my throat, making it impossible to swallow. Quickly, yet quietly, I rushed to the kitchen an grabbed the butcher knife an slowly headed towards the attic. Standing underneath the door, I reach up and grab hold of the knob an slowly pull down, making the door come down and forming the steps. Grabbing the flashlight, I slowly head up the steps. Poking my head up slowly, I look around and see nothing there. Honest to god I think this house is haunted.

I gulp an switch the flashlight on an shine it around the room. I see a dark figure that stood about 6'2. My eyes go wide with fear as the shadow slowly turned into a face. When I saw the full face, my heart dropped yet again. Honestly, this was an uneasy feeling. Tears swell up in my ice blue optics an slowly rolled down my cheeks. "M-Mason....." An there he stood. Mason. He looked at me and smiled. This isn't real....It just can't be real..This is a dream and nothing more. Mason came over an placed a hand on my cheek. It was warm. Now I know it's a dream..When your dead your body goes cold. He leaned in an softly kissed my lips. Of course I kissed back. It's a dream so I might as well enjoy it. His kiss grew deep an passionate, I slowly wrap my arms around his neck tightly an he raised my leg up, wrapping it around his waist as well as the other leg an pressed me up against the wall. What started out as a deep, passionate kiss, turned into a make out session.

He slowly removed my shirt, only to reveal my black laced bra that was D sized. His lips slowly moved from my lips down to my neck an started to kiss my weak spot. A soft moan slowly escaped my lips as I slowly removed his shirt. He grins an allowed me to do so as I slowly unbuckle his pants then unzip. Looking up at him, I blush deeply. He nods, giving me permission to do so. I unzip his pants an slowly pull them down. Only to reveal his 8 inch dick. Now I know I'm dreaming cause never had me and Mason once slept together. He lays me down on the bed and slowly removes my pants, Grinding up against me as I felt him get a hard on. I blush deeply while his lips remained on my neck. Biting my lip even more, I moan softly as I place my hands on his back. He moves my undies to the side an slowly rubs his tip up against my vaginal area. "You ready~?"

He suddenly said. I looked up at him and nodded. With that being said and done he slowly slipped himself in. I wince in pain, although it wasn't an agonizing pain you normally felt. It was pleasurable. He softly grunts an slowly moved back and forth. I start moaning softly while wrapping my legs tightly around his waist, causing him to go alil faster. The bed started to make squeaking sounds and the headboard would hit up against the wall slightly. I could feel him, rubbing up against my G-spot at a quick pace, which made me moan even more. He removed my bra to reveal my D sized boobs as my nipples would be hard. He grasps my breast tightly an started to go faster. Causing me to moan alil louder. I start scratching his back as he started going harder. The feeling of him grinding up against my G-spot made me moan even more till finally, I let it all go. I blushed deeply an hid my face in his neck in pure embarrassment. He simply chuckled and continued going. He then kissed me deeply an said "I'm close...Where you want it~?" I bite my lower lip and said "Inside~" He grins and went deep inside an came. After a few more thrusts an making sure it was all out, He rolled over and lays beside me, wrapping his arms rightly around me. He smiled and kisses me softly on the lips and whispers

"I love you, I always have and always will." After that was said, I awake with tears in my eyes and look around in hopes him being dead was all just a nightmare. But sadly, it wasn't. It was reality. I get up an head towards my room an close the door. Once I did I fell onto my bed, sobbing. I missed him more then anything. No one will understand the bond me and him had and nobody can ever replace him. I curl up into a ball in my bed and hear my phone go off. It was an unknown number an it said "You've forgotten hurtful." My body tenses up slightly as I answer back saying "Who is this?" I sit my phone down and turn my phone on, shutting off my lights and turning the Television on. I hear my phone go off yet again. This time the message said "Meet me at the Graveyard and you'll find out." Okay now this is getting weird but I want to find out who this person is and how he got my number an why he decided to text me out of the blue. I get up and grab Mason's hoodie then prepare myself for what was ahead.

I sneak outside and head inside the woods. After fifteen minutes or so of walking in the woods I come across a graveyard. Up ahead I saw a male standing beside a grave. Thank god I had pepper spray on me in case things went south. I quickly head towards the male and place my hand on his shoulder. He turns around and when I saw his face, My heart sunk. It was Jason, but looked exactly like Mason. No...this can't be real...It has to be some sick prank or dream. Jason smiled an chuckled. "Surprise Kiara. Thought I was dead, didn't you?" I was lost for words an finally, I choked out the words "Mason..." before passing out.

" before passing out

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Side Note: Forgive me for not updating daily like i should, I've been extremely busy lately and haven't had time to update the chapters. Please enjoy the story and if you like the story, Follow me for more updates and whatnot. Enjoy :D.

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