Chapter 10: Demonic Presences..?

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Hearing the annoying sound of my alarm clock ringing, I open my eyes. The sunlights bright, shining beams would go straight into my eyes. Groaning softly, I roll over onto my stomach, not even wanting to get up cause lets be honest here, who in the right mind likes school? I sure as hell don't. Sighing softly, I swing my legs over the side of my bed and get up onto my feet. I walk over to my closet and open the door and pull out the outfit for the day. Looking over at the time, It was 7:00 in the morning. The bus didn't come until 7:45 so she had plenty of time. I quickly lays my outfit on the bed then made my way to the bathroom and takes a shower to wake myself up. After spending thirty minutes in the shower, I get out and wrap the towel tightly around my small body frame. Sighing softly, I make my way to my bedroom and lay my towel onto the bed and get dressed for the day. Once I was fully clothed, I walked to my make up station an started putting on my make up.

Once I was done putting on make up, I get up and look in the mirror before grabbing my phone and my bag. Heading downstairs, I hear my mother let out a blood curling scream. My eyes go wide and I quickly rush towards my parents bedroom. I bust through the door saying "What's going on in here?!" She would be sitting beside my dad who was shaking like a maniac, mumbling satanic words. I sit my bag down and head towards him. When I got closer, His eyes were completely different. They were no longer the sweet, innocent, kind loving eyes a father normally had. They were soulless black. The eyes that could easily see past your soul an make you look straight into the eyes of hell. "W-what's going on?!" My body starts shaking like a twig that's about to break off. Suddenly, my dad sits up straight, looking at me as a sick twisted grin would be plastered over his face. He then would say "I'm watching you Kira..." Only thing I noticed was that, It didn't sound like a normal voice, it sounded almost demonic.

Could it be all because I was stupid enough to pull out the Ouija board? Wait a minute, I won't even remember doing that few nights ago..that was a dream, I think..My father finally falls back an closes his eyes as if he was asleep. I go towards him and place my hand on his neck to find a pulse. Thank god, he's still breathing . He was just sleeping as if nothing even happened. How weird...I look at my phone for the time and it was already 7:40. Only five minutes till the bus arrives. Damn. I hate school. What a drag. I sigh softly and quickly run down the steps and gab a piece of toast and nibble on it while drinking some orange juice. Hearing the bus that was just down the road from me, I quickly grab my bag and run out the door and to my bus stop. Phew, barely made it. I climb onto the bus once it arrives and sit in the front. Pulling my Ipod out I slip my ear buds in my ears and listen to music. The song that was on was "Like a red nose" by Sage.

Closing my eyes, I sigh once again, already wishing this day would just hurry up and end already. The bus pulls into the parking lot an the double doors swing open. I was the first one to be off the bus an I quickly run inside and head straight to my locker. When I opened the locker, I see that there was a note on the inside that said "Turn around" In big bold letters. I quickly turn around to see Jason who was leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed, having a smirk plastered crossed his face. He walks over towards me an chuckles. "Scare ya?" My soft gaze turns into a sudden glare. "Nope, you don't scare me and I wish you'd stop stalking me an leave me and my family alone!" Jason chuckles and leans up close to where his lips were near my ear an whispered "What happened to you Kira? Didn't you miss me? I told you I'm Mason, what do I have to do to prove it to you?" My blood would boiling at this point.

I raise my hand and gave him a hard slap across the face. "Don't you dare mention Mason again...You don't know him so keep his name out of your mouth." Jason chuckled "Feisty as always, I love it." I roll my eyes and grab my books an walk away from him. It wasn't long till lunch rolled around and I was sitting by myself outside. I was outside cause the inside was pretty much packed, that, and I don't like being in big crowds. While sipping on my milk, I felt a males hand on my shoulder. I look over from the corner of my eye to see it was my ex boyfriend..The one who had cheated on me years ago with my now ex best friend Maya. I growled softly an gave him nothing but a hard death glare an responded with a "What the hell do you want?" He looked at me with apologetic eyes and said "I regret what I did to you and I only want your forgiveness and beg you to take me back.. I love you more then anything and I shouldn't have ever done that to you."

Slamming my fist hard on the table "Get have a kid with that ignorant whore and I don't deal with trash like you." With that being said, Anger quickly filled his eyes an he pins me up against against the brick wall with his hand on my throat, squeezing tightly. I gasp for air as he forcefully kisses me an shoved his tongue into my mouth. I felt him wiggling his tongue an grasp my breast. It wasn't long till I felt someone yank him off me. I looked over to see Jason on top of him with his hands over my ex boyfriends neck, Choking him with one hand and punching him repeatedly with the other. "She's mine, leave her alone!" Was all Jason said. I looked at Jason ad while he was clobbering the poor sap, I noticed something. I noticed that his eyes weren't...normal..They were just like my fathers this morning. They were a deep soulless black. Jason gets up off the male and my ex attempts to throw a punch, but with Jason and him having quick reflexes, He counters the punch an breaks his arm in two.

I mean you can literally hear the bone in his arm snap. He screams in pain and Jason palm strikes him hard in the chest. My ex falls to the ground and Jason hits his pressure point, knocking him out cold. I stood there speechless for words an looked at him like "What the hell just happened? Where did that kind of strength come from?" Jason's eyes turned back to normal and he jogs his way over to me. "Are you alright princess?" I looked at him all annoyed an nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just wish you wouldn't call me that." Jason chuckles an the two of us head inside cause the lunch bell rang, meaning the period was over. Time to go back to class, or hell as I call it.3 more hours pass by and I get off the bus an head towards the inside of my house. Once I had entered, I immediately drop my bag as my jaw drops. "I'll be watching you princess~" was written on the wall in red. Hopefully in marker, I walk over an lay my hand gently on the writing. Phew, it was just paint. I quickly get the writing off the walls and head up to my room so I can begin doing my homework since I had a boat load to do tonight.

 I quickly get the writing off the walls and head up to my room so I can begin doing my homework since I had a boat load to do tonight

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(School outfit) 

(Song :3) 

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