To those who wish to be a chameleon

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To those who wish to be a chameleon

AN: this is for those who need encouragement. It's religious, but only slightly.

Sometimes I wish I was a chameleon.

Change my outer appearance to match others,

The ability to hide from predictors.

I could hide from the things in this world that try to knock us down.

I could disappear from the struggles

Hurt, fear.

I wish I never had this target in my back.

I wish I wasn't a suspect of those lies.

If only I could hide from the lies in my head,

Telling me that I'm not enough.

Telling me that I will never catch a boy, right for me.

Telling me that I'll never do good enough.

But no.

I have a target in my back.

I'm wanted by every mistake I've made.

I'm not worthy due to the mistakes I've made.


Those are the lies being fed to you.

You are beautiful,

That's why beautiful has the letter U in it!

The word says it plain and clear!


You are enough!

You will find someone right for you!

You are here for a reason!

You are here to inspire all to be the best!

You aren't just a being,

walking around with no purpose!

You were made in Christ's image,

You were made to worship!

You were made to love,

Forgive, help, serve.

Don't be a chameleon,

Be a lime green tiger with blue and purple polkadots, pink and yellow stripes, red and orange flowers, and Turquoise eyes!

Have a heart of gold!

Use the target on your back like an X on a treasure map, because you are a treasure! You are worth more than diamonds!

You are PRICELESS!!!!!

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