Tollerance really is a one way street

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Society sees tolerance for Christians as a two way street.

They tolerate our beliefs,

We tolerate theirs.

But really, it isn't

You teach us YOUR beliefs

And when we speak up against it in class, you tell is we need to just learn it 'Cus it's a "learning target".

You tolerate when anyone of any other religion speak up,

But if a Christian speaks up it's rude, or we're shoving our religion in your face.

We all have a religion, believe it or not.

If you claim you don't have a religion, you're atheist.

You're shoving your atheistic beliefs in our faces.

We learn your beliefs

We understand them.

We respect them.

We respect your difference in opinion.

But you never try to understand ours.

You don't respect them at all.

Do you know what I would call that?


But that word has been dulled down.

So I would actually call that...

Persecution. or harassment.

As a Christian girl in a public school,

I learn Darwin's theory of evolution and the Big Bang Theory.

I have never read the Bible in school.

I have never been given the opportunity to share my beliefs.

Instead I was told to "combine my beliefs with what we're learning" in evolution.

And I'm sick of it.

I'm tired of tolerating.

II'm tired of being persecuted.

I'm tired of being judged.

Just because I'm a Christian, doesn't mean I'm going to be pushing my beliefs in your head.

I understand that you and I don't share the same beliefs.

I understand that Christians are known for being pushy.

But not this girl.

I won't shove my belief in your face.

I won't make you believe what I believe.

I will accept you for who you are

And Love you for who you are.

Just like God would want me to do.

If you are my friend, and you tell me about something you're struggling with, my natural response is to tell you that I'll pray for you. That's not pushing my beliefs on you.

You came to ME, who you know is a Christian, and I know that my God is much more powerful than I am, so I lift my struggles up to Him to take care of. He can do much more than me, so I run to Him.

That's what I do when I'm struggling. You are struggling, and came to me, so I help you in the way that helps me!

That's not pushing my beliefs on you, that's seeking help from a higher power. Just like you came to me, I go to God.

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