Forgotten Shadow - sprinterchic13

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AN: This poem is not by me, it's by my friend sprinterchic13. Thanks for letting me use this piece for my book! 

Do you remember me?

I'm the shadow standing next to you

A smile on my face

A tear drop in my eye

I'm now forgotten

Do you remember me?

I laughed at all your jokes

Though the pain was too much

I'm the forgotten shadow

Do you remember me?

I sat up frint in every class

Raised her hand,

Knew all the answers

But now I'm just forgotten

Do you remember me?

You fell in love with me and broke my heart

Though we remain friends

Now you have someone else

And now suddenly I am the last choice

No longer do you check in on me

Now I am just the forgotten shadow

Do you remember me?

I was the girl

who sacrificed much to help you

I was the girl who never cared for herself

Bottling things up

And ignoring the pain

As I helped you along the way

Now that I moved

I'm just the forgotten shadow

Do you remember me?

The girl sitting in the corner

All alone at lunch

Trying hard not to cry

Even though the pain is breaking me down

I am forgotten

No longer important

You found someone else

Didn't you?

Someone prettier

Someone closer to home

So now I am just forgotten

Do you remember me though?

You were my safe place

I was your love

I guess no longer is that true

You just forgot about me,

Tossed me aside

No longer do I matter

Do you remember me?

I was the shadow

By your side all these years

Silently screaming out in pain

But laughing all the same

Tears welling in my eyes

But dare do I break down

I am a forgotten shadow

Tossed aside in the dark

No longer do I matter

No longer am I at home

No longer do I have a heart

It was ripped out long ago

Do you remember me?

You say I make Union Mine proud.

I wonder if the is so

For I feel as if I am forgotten

Since I am no longer close to home.

Do you remember me?

I am  a shadow in the corner

Desperately trying to smile

Laughing away the pain

But then it comes back

I am the girl

Crying herself to sleep

Breaking down when I am all alone

No longer do I feel safe

Now I am just forgotten

Tossed aside in the shadows

Left to have the pain

I am the forgotten shadow

Someone came to replace me

Since I am no longer close to home

My heart was ripped out

The pain is my only friend

I was tossed aside

No longer do I matter

No longer am I missed

It was all a lie

The I love you

And the I miss you

That I received from everyone

Someone better came along

And they no longer needed me

So I was simply tossed aside

Simply forgotten

The pain is now overwhelming

So few people care

I am now the forgotten shadow

No one seems to remember me

I was tossed aside

No longer am I important in your life

S o I apologize

I gave you all I had

I apologize

For all the years, all the days

We spent together

I apologize I wasted your time

Since I wasn't important to begin with

And to my new friends

Let me apologize ahead of time

I'm sorry if I too waste your time

I'm just the forgotten shadow

So just toss me aside

So I don't have to bring you down

I am just the shadow

Who is now forgotten

Tossed aside

No longer important

Friends back home don't care

They just needed me out of their lives

Someone new came along

And replaced me  in their lives

So everything was a lie

I am just the forgotten shadow

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