Chapter 7: In Which Natasha Learns Something Surprising About Someone Science-y

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Percy's P.O.V.

He walked through the doors of Avengers Tower wearing a dress shirt and jeans, as well as sporting brown hair, and blue eyes. He went to the front desk and spoke with the secretary.

"Hi. I'm here to apply for security. I'm supposed to meet with Mr. Stark, Ms. Rushman, and Mr. Hogan." Percy said, pitching his voice a tad bit higher than normal, and adding a thick New York accent to his voice. Rachel had done him a favor and recommended his services to Tony. The billionaire was skeptical that he actually needed security, but Rachel's father was a frequent business partner of his, so he was giving Percy a chance.

"You must be Mr. Johnson! Take the elevator up. Mr. Stark's AI will bring you to the right floor." the secretary replied. Percy did as she said, stepping into the elevator and waiting. He didn't flinch at all when Jarvis spoke, telling him that he would be taken up shortly. He stepped out to find a gym. Natasha, Stark, and Happy stood in the center of the room.

"You're Peter Johnson? Alright kid... Show Happy what you've got." Tony yawned.

"Do I show my true skill minus the demigod strength? Or do I take it down a notch or 20?" he thought towards Natasha.

"The first one." came the reply. Happy started towards him. The bodyguard threw a hook at his face, and Percy caught it. He flipped the guard over his shoulder and sent him flying behind the demigod, sliding across the floor upon landing. He didn't get back up, as he was unconscious. Stark looked at him, mouth agape.

"Are you a SHIELD agent?" the billionaire asked suspiciously?

"What's SHIELD?" Percy asked. Natasha glared at Tony lightly and answered for him.

"It's a government agency." she said.

"I'm 18. I don't think government agencies allow eighteen year olds to work for them. And what does being a government official have to do with my fighting skill?" Percy responded, confusion lacing his tone. Tony ignored him and muttered something about a second test to Natasha. He clapped his hands, and one of his suits flew out of nowhere, locking into place around the billionaire. Tony aimed at him and fired. Natasha was sending waves of outrage through their connection. He dodged to the side and ran for Happy's limp form. He pretended to slip as he darted past, discreetly grabbing Happy's gun and taser. He took cover behind a punching bag, quickly catching his breath. Then, he ran at Tony, shooting out the lights and obscuring the billionaire's vision with sparks for a second. During that time, he slid between Tony's iron clad legs and popped up behind him. He swept Tony's feet out from under him, causing him to land on his back. Percy leapt on top of the billionaire only for Tony to fire his repulsors directly into his stomach. He crumpled, wounded heavily. He would have bled more, but the repulsor beams had cauterized his wound instantly. Tony got to his feet, but was soon knocked down again by Natasha, who looked absolutely murderous. Her face was blank, but her eyes burned with rage. She rushed over to Percy and knelt at his side. Bruce Banner stepped out of the elevator, and took in the entire scene. Without asking any questions, he ran over to Percy and scooped him up, carrying him into the elevator. Natasha and Tony followed, Tony having taken off his suit. Natasha slammed him into the wall.

"Why did you shoot the best friend of Rachel Dare? You know, Dare Enterprises's owner's daughter? Those repulsors usually kill normal people instantly. And you just used them on an 18 year old boy!" she growled.

"He's Rachel's best friend? I thought he was just a random guy who applied! And the way he fought made me think he was some type of mercenary or assassin." Tony responded. Natasha's eyes flashed, and she slammed Tony into the wall a second time, harder. The elevator doors opened.

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