Chapter 21: In Which Melinda Makes Some Earth-Shattering Discoveries

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*bursts into a room where all of you are milling about, swamping my email with Wattpad updates.* I'M BACK!!!! *immediately squeaks in fear as all of your very accusing eyes turn towards me.*

Umm... hi? I am so sorry that I haven't been around, but life got in the way. *sighs*

Anyhow, here's the next update! Not so many references (barely any), but much more plot! I think it was kind of rushed, but this was several weeks late, sooooo yeah. *throws it into the middle of the room and runs off.*

*calling over my shoulder* WELCOME TO THE AGENTS OF SHIELD ARC!!!!

Percy's P.O.V.

Celebrating Natasha's birthday had been very fun, but it seemed that they'd never catch a break. Later that evening, he and Natasha were sitting on the couch, watching the second Hunger Games movie. His phone chimed and he dug into his pocket, wondering who it was. He realized he'd gotten a message from Melinda May.

Will need backup in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Something big is about to go down. Three way fight between S.H.I.E.L.D., a psychopath, and Hydra.

Percy showed the text to Natasha, who nodded. She picked up the remote and paused the movie.

"Tell her that we are on our way." she said. Percy flashed her a thumbs up, and sent the text. Meanwhile, his sister called in a squad of C.H.A.O.S. soldiers. They arrived in one the custom designed Quinjets that Percy had asked Leo to make. He called that particular vehicle the Messenger, after Luke Castellan. It could fly at Mach 4, which meant that flying anywhere in the world would never take more than four hours. They could get to Puerto Rico in just over 30 minutes.

The two siblings quickly told their parents that they had an urgent mission, and suited up. A minute later, the Sea Scorpion and the Black Widow strode onto the Messenger, armed to the teeth and ready to kick ass.

They arrived in San Juan, and immediately started sneaking through the streets, using the tracking dot in May's phone to hone in on her location. They sent the C.H.A.O.S. agents with them in a different direction, telling them to start clearing the area. Finally, the two siblings spotted the daughter of Aquilon, who stood watching the street with a gun in her hand.

"May!" Natasha exclaimed, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent turned, a slight smile on her face.

"It's good to see you. Happy birthday." May said. Natasha pulled her into a hug.

"It really is, and thank you. So what's the sitch?" Percy's sister asked.

"There's some sort of alien device that causes people to turn to stone if they touch it." May said bluntly. Percy frowned. Something felt familiar about that sentence.

"Wait...." The two women turned to him.

"What is it?" Natasha wondered. Percy pivoted towards May, eyes wide.

"The crystals. The ones that Aquilon gave us. He mentioned that Hod had gotten them from aliens. Didn't he also mention that the impure version was dangerous? What if the device has the blue crystals inside, and so any completely mortal person who touches it turns to stone?" he exclaimed.

"Shit! Zabo took Skye! If she touches it..." May realized.

"Who's Zabo?" Percy questioned.

"Her crazy psychopath father. But that's not important right now. We need to go!" May replied, dashing off. Percy and Natasha exchanged a look, and then charged after her.

They followed her into a room with a drill, and dove to the side upon seeing Coulson standing in the room. Luckily, Coulson had not been facing the entryway, so the two siblings had enough time to hide behind a table.

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