Chapter 19: In Which Bruce Just Chills (In The Middle Of Siberia)

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Hey guys! Bet you weren't expecting me so soon! So, I've got a quick announcement. I'm planning on picking up the speed with updates. The chapters might be a bit shorter than before, but you'll (hopefully) be getting a chapter every 1-2 weeks (if everything goes well). Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! -Spathi

Natasha's P.O.V.

While Bruce was asleep, she had wanted to set about trying to find an alternative to her terribly constructed sled. She had no desire to cling on for dear life this time around. However, nothing came to mind. She had no tools or supplies to make something new with. Neither was she any good at building vehicles, as she had just found out hours prior.

So, she ended up trying to figure out the strengths and weaknesses of the Russian Avengers. She knew Bruce could easily take Alexei and Ursa Major. And Crimson Dynamo's suit could be knocked out with an EMP. But the woman was the one she was worried about. Laynia had been able to use the Darkforce. What could she do against that?

She'd decided that if they were willing to, then she'd bring some of the adult wolves along. Then, she started packing provisions, such as food, water, and first aid items. She found some Greek fire in the house's armory, as well as some other interesting ingredients, and began creating some improvised explosive devices, IEDs for short. She knew enough about the chemicals in bombs as well as the technology behind the triggers and timers to make her own She ended up making four different types: incendiary, explosive, smoke, and sticky.

By the time she was almost done making her bombs, Bruce had woken up. He walked into the living room - now Natasha's workshop - and sat down next to her. He watched in silence for a while.

"Hey, Natasha. Could I see your wrists for a second?" he said suddenly. Natasha turned and raised a quizzical eyebrow.

"Sure." she agreed, and held her wrists out towards him. She watched in confusion as he carefully inspected her cuffs.

"What are you looking for?" she wondered.

"Hmm? Oh, I just- I think I saw - ah. There it is." he answered distractedly, finally sliding a switch on the underside of one of her cuffs that Natasha hadn't noticed before. A compartment on the underside of the cuff popped open, and a small black disk with a hourglass inscribed in red rose from the opening. Natasha took it, watching the hourglass light up with her touch. The disk whirred and started expanding outwards. Natasha dropped the disk on the ground, where it kept transforming rapidly.

In a couple of seconds, a Harley Davidson LiveWire stood in front of her. Natasha walked up it to it, shocked. She noticed a note attached to the side. It read:


While you, Steve, and Sam were taking down S.H.I.E.L.D., I brought you a EXO-7 Falcon. I mentioned that it came from Fury's hidden bunker. Well, this was also in that bunker, and I thought you might enjoy having it. It's been upgraded, and you can switch it from this mode to what I like to call demigod mode, which has some pretty awesome features built in. The normal mode is a bit faster than the actual motorcycle, but the demigod mode....well, I'll let you find that out yourself. Anyways, I hope you like it.

- P.J.

She stared at the small scrap of paper for a while, and then stood up, clenching her fists.

"Oh, they are going to pay. I'm going to rip them apart with my bare hands." she snarled, green eyes flashing with anger. Bruce reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"Calm down, Tasha. We can't rush into this blindly. We've got to come up with a plan of attack." he coaxed. Natasha turned to him.

"I have a plan. Attack." she replied angrily, quoting Tony in her rage.

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