Chapter 11: In Which Steve Doesn't Like Compartmentalization

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This is the beginning of the CA:WS arc. So, the next five chapters will essentially be the movie, but with missing scenes. Oh, and this chapter has a bit of Agents of SHIELD Season 1, Episode 15. Hopefully, you will enjoy the chapter! Thank you @that_bookworm_21 and @bookloverpercy for your kind words! And for any new voters, thank you as well! R & R! - Spathi

January 2013

Natasha's P.O.V.

Mission alert. Extraction imminent. Meet at the curb. :)

She sent the text to Steve as she wove through the streets of Washington D.C. She'd been in D.C. for about two months, and she had quickly realized that she preferred New York more. She had Iris messaged Bruce on Christmas and New Year's, and had spent that time chatting with him about his projects, which was much more fun then mission reports. 

Last night, she'd had a strange dream, which was amazing compared to her usual nightmares, but still rather weird.

 She'd stood in the middle of a cave. Shadows had stretched around her, and frost spread across her surroundings. Asgardian runes were etched at her feet.  A voice had whispered: Do me a favor, daughter of Mars. Check on my Roman counterpart's child, and I shall give you a gift in return. You know her well... send your brother to help her after the fall of the Aegis. She is with the man who is a friend of horses in Greece, whom you think dead. And she herself has a reputation that involves a metaphorical horse. Help her. And send her to my Roman counterpart.

 As far as she could tell, an Asgardian who liked shadows and ice had sent her a dream telling her to help somebody she knew, most likely a SHIELD agent. However, she had no idea who the Asgardian's counterpart might be, nor what they meant by the "fall of the Aegis". But the only person who she thought was dead currently was Phil. But he didn't interact much with horses, as far as she knew. She pushed the thought away as she approached her destination.

She drove up to the curb in her shiny black Corvette Stingray. She'd gotten it once she got to D.C. She had a lot of money from SHIELD pay, and she only used it on food and supplies. So, she had decided to treat herself to a nice car. She spotted Steve talking to a man who, judging by the logo on his shirt, was ex-military, something to do with the Air National Guard. She smirked to herself as an amazing joke came to mind.

"Hey, fellas. Either one of you know where the Smithsonian is? I'm here to pick up a fossil." she quipped, her eyebrow twitching slightly as she tried not to laugh at Steve's deadpan expression.

"That's hilarious." Steve walked over to her car and hopped in. The man he was talking with nodded at her, sitting down on a bench.

"How you doing?" he greeted.

"Hey." she replied. Steve glanced back to the man on the bench. 

"You can't run everywhere." he said, and Natasha realized that they must have met while Steve was running at a ridiculous pace around the entirety of D.C.

"No, you can't." the man called as they drove away. The car ride to the Triskelion was spent in silence. Natasha spent it thinking about the easiest ways to data mine computers, which was her job for the day. Once they arrived at the Triskelion, she parked the car, and they proceeded to the hangar, where they boarded a plane. The leader of the STRIKE team, Brock Rumlow, gave them the rundown on the mission.

Apparently, they had to board the Lemurian Star, take out all hostiles, and then Steve was going to rescue a group of hostages (which, strangely, included Jasper Sitwell, someone she knew was a Level 8 agent, and therefore had no reason to be on a "mobile satellite launch platform" in the first place), while she completed her mission. Rumlow commanded his men to gear up. She took the opportunity to tease Steve about his love life, which was one of her favorite pastimes while in D.C.

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