Chapter 13: In Which Steve Becomes A Fugitive From S.H.I.E.L.D.

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Still essentially the movie... But with subplots!!! Enjoy! - Spathi

Steve's P.O.V.

One of the agents turned while unsheathing a baton that crackled with electricity. Steve managed to dodge past it and disarm that agent, but the other agents immediately grabbed him, removing his shield from his back. The baton dropped to the floor. A large man wrapped an arm around his neck and backed up against the side of the elevator. One of the agents snatched up the electrical baton, and pressed it to his chest, sending jolts of pain through his body. The rest surrounded him, a couple seizing his arms and trying to force them to the wall. Two agents carrying briefcases detached the handles, and tried to wrap the foldable piece of metal around his wrist. One suceeded and a magnetic force started drawing Steve's right arm to the metal girder on the wall. Steve struggled against it, and accomplished dragging his arm down to around his waist, lessening the strain somewhat. Steve elbowed the other man with a magnetic cuff in the face, causing the cuff to fly through the air and stick to the opposite side of the elevator.

He took out three more agents by kicking out wildly and throwing a couple of punches, and then proceeded to throw the man with an arm around his neck (Steve wasn't sure if the man had simply been trying to restrain him, or choke him; the man had largely failed at the latter) over his shoulder, hurling him into the opposite wall. However, Rumlow kicked his right hand, which still had the magnetic cuff on it, and it flew towards the wall and stuck fast. He tried to free his hand, but was quickly distracted by Rumlow picking up the baton again, and striking at his head. Steve blocked the strike with his left arm, and then contorted his body to dodge past Rumlow's subsequent hook to his ribs. Undeterred, Rumlow grabbed the baton with two hands like a baseball bat, and swung hard at his left shoulder, pressing forward with his entire body. Steve shuddered and spasmed violently as the shocks ran through his body, pinned against the glass and unable to think clearly.

Luckily, his reflexes saved him. Another agent got up and threw a wild punch at him, and he automatically twisted to dodge it, slamming his elbow into Rumlow's face. The S.T.R.I.K.E. team leader stumbled into the elevator doors. He grabbed the agent's left shoulder and easily tossed him towards the camera located in one of the upper corners of the elevator. Steve returned to attempting to free his arm from the wall, grabbing it with his other arm, only to be interrupted yet again by the agent he had just thrown, armed with the stupid electrical rod. He redirected the agent's attack straight into the chest of an agent who had just risen from the ground, trying to attack again. Then, Steve pulled off a scissor kick, smashing both agents into the walls around him. Yet another agent (and horsefeathers, were these guys persistent) got up and threw a punch at him, and he caught his fist with his left hand, twisting the arm to the left and then kicking the guy hard in the ribs.

Steve planted his feet high on the side of the wall, and grabbed his arm again, pulling with all his strength. The cuff started to peel away from the wall slowly, until it finally detached, causing him to start falling backwards. He tucked into a backflip, and easily landed on his feet, immediately shoving his right elbow into a recovered agent's face (seriously, these twits were getting annoying. How many times did he have to knock these whacky son-of-a-guns down?) and then ducked under the wild swing another agent had taken at the back of his head. He slammed an uppercut to the guy's jaw and another punch to his ribs, sending him careening forwards. Then, he reached behind him, grasping the other guy's uniform and flipping him into the ground.

Finally, Rumlow stood up, one of those really annoying batons in each hand. Steve tensed, but Rumlow put an almost staying hand out.

"Woah, woah, woah, big guy. I just want you to know, Cap, this ain't personal!" Rumlow screamed the last word, swinging downwards at Steve's head. Steve moved out of the way, and then used his right hand to block the next swing. Rumlow struggled to force his hand downwards for a second before jabbing him with the other baton in the ribs. The pain stopped him for half a second before he shoved Rumlow's arm away so hard, the S.T.R.I.K.E. team leader over-extended and stumbled sideways. He recovered quickly, though, and went for a punch to the face, which Steve blocked. Again, Rumlow jabbed the baton into his ribs, and Steve mentally cursed himself for falling for the same trick twice in a row. This time, Rumlow pushed the baton as hard as possible, until Steve knocked that hand away, causing Rumlow to fall forwards. Steve wrapped his arms around Rumlow's waist as the man fell, and straightened while pushing the man upwards, hurling Rumlow into the ceiling. The S.T.R.I.K.E. team leader smashed into the lights and fell to the floor, unconscious. Steve stared down at him, panting a bit.

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