Chapter 20: In Which Bruce Realizes He's Screwed (And In Love)

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Hi guys! Here's another chapter... made of filler and character development(maybe). I guess it's mostly just an intro to the next arc. At least you're getting a break from the constant emotional rollercoasters? I don't know if it will be as interesting as you seem to have found the other chapters...Enjoy? - Spathi

Natasha's P.O.V.

She drifted back to consciousness slowly, feeling safe and warm, which was strange to her. Her green eyes blinked open, and she realized that she was tucked into Bruce's side.

He was awake, watching her with wide brown eyes. A faint blush dusted his cheeks.

"Hi." she said simply.

"Good morning." he responded awkwardly. Natasha realized that she was lying on his arm, and sat up slowly, pain shooting through her ribs at the movement. They no longer felt broken, but they were rather sore.

"You should not be able to do that." Bruce commented.

"Look at me, breaking all the stereotypes." she joked. She managed to scoot backwards, and rest her spine against the headboard of the bed. Bruce carefully started poking at her previously broken bones.

"Well, at least I didn't have to break out the Skele-Gro." he muttered.

"Gods, I hope that isn't actually a thing. The books made it sound terrible." she groaned.

Remus bounded into the room and leapt onto the bed. The little wolf scrambled onto her lap, and Natasha emitted a short cry of pain. Her femur still felt terrible, and Remus had literally jumped on it.

The wolf pup immediately jumped off of her lap, whined, and looked up at her with sad eyes.

"Sorry, Remy. But I don't think that my lap is a very good place for you to be right now." she apologized. Remus licked her hand, and lay down, wagging his tail.

"He acts domesticated." Bruce said.

"I think he's just smart." she replied. He shrugged.

"Maybe." he said. He reached out and patted Remus on the head. The wolf stood up, chased his tail a couple of times, and then sat back down again and barked. Percy stuck his head into the room.

"Good morning, lovebirds!" he chirped. Bruce instantly turned red. Natasha summoned her dagger and threw it at his head. Percy yelped and dodged to the side.

"I'm going to kill you." Natasha threatened.

"You don't mean that." her absolutely annoying younger brother pouted, standing at the foot of the bed.

"Don't I?" she asked, glaring. Percy looked at her with his patented baby seal eyes.

"Peter-" she warned. The seal eyes got sadder. 

"We are not doing this again." she said. Now, the baby seal eyes were glistening.

"Dammit. Fine. I don't mean that." she relented. The seal eyes vanished, and Percy grinned.

"Love ya too, sis!" Natasha rolled her eyes. She glanced at Bruce who was trying (and failing) to suppress a smile.

"Oh, why won't you two just kiss already?" Percy exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. Immediately, Natasha's eyes snapped over to him, her eyes promising pain.

"Shit. I did not mean to say that out loud." he whispered. Something in her expression must have worried him, because he gulped. Natasha tensed, waiting for the right moment.

And suddenly, she lunged forwards, trying to wrap her hands around his throat. He jumped, and started backpedaling furiously. She would have pursued him, but Bruce had his arms locked around her waist, stopping her from getting any further. She settled for yelling at her sibling instead.

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