Chapter 15: In Which Steve Brings Down S.H.I.E.L.D. And (Some Of) Hydra

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Hey everyone! Happy Thanksgiving! Above is a logo for someone's (don't want to spoil it) organization. I don't own the font, neither do I own the individual phoenix and snake/ouroboros symbol. However, I did edit them and also add the outer circle and the words, so I own the entire symbol as a whole, I suppose. Or at least the idea of the symbol... Anyways, on with the story! Time to finish CA:TWS! - Spathi

Steve's P.O.V.

Everybody in the room was startled, except for Natasha.

"Where did he come from?" he wondered.

The Sea Scorpion walked further into the room.

"You left this behind." he said, tossing Steve his shield. He caught it and stared at the vibranium disk in his hands.

"How did he get this? And why would he retrieve it? What is this guy's play?" he thought.

The Sea Scorpion also tossed Sam's original EXO-7 Falcon onto the table, and handed Natasha her guns and cuffs. Steve watched as the guns shrank down into her arrow necklace. He idly wondered how that had happened.

"Just wanted to drop by, get you a couple weapons. Natasha. I've got some shock disks for you. Oh, and this blonde, bob cut wig. Definitely not based off of a well-known British politician. Might be helpful. " A smile crept onto Natasha's face as she took the wig and the disks.

"Location?" she asked.

"Touching down at the airport in about an hour and a half. Sam, if you could put the backpack on, as well as these gloves." Sam obliged to the Scorpion's request.

"What are the gloves for?" Sam said. The Sea Scorpion tilted his head.

"Pretend that you're pulling a pair of guns from two holsters at your waist." he said. Sam did what he said, and two pieces of metal detatched from the torso straps, and attached to the wrist part of the gloves. They rotated and unfolded as he moved his arms away from him, and formed into two guns, sitting in his grip.

"Okay, now that's cool." Sam admitted. The Sea Scorpion brought out a tactical shirt and combat pants, and handed it to Sam.

"A parachute is attached to the back of the pants, in case you lose the EXO-7." he said.

"I've got one more thing for you." the Sea Scorpion said, turning to him. He held out a small, bronze object. Steve took it warily, and gasped once he realized what it was.

"It's her compass. I- This was on the plane. How-" he stuttered.

"I have my ways." the Scorpion replied. Steve tucked it into his jacket, and looked back at the assassin. Steve still didn't trust the man at all, but he thought that maybe there was a story behind the mask.

"Thanks." Steve said politely. The Scorpion inclined his head. He turned and handed fully loaded guns and extra clips to Hill and Fury, and then spun back towards him.

"Do me a favor, Captain Rogers?" he asked.

"What is it?" Steve asked warily.

"Sign these trading cards? They're vintage. Mint condition, actually. I'd like you to sign them for Agent Coulson. I'm going to give them to his best friend when I see her. I never met the man myself, but he meant a lot to Natasha. I heard that you were his hero. You inspired him to be the man he was, the ordinary man who stood up to a god, and sacrificed himself to help the world. So, I wanted to ask you to help me do a little something to honor him." The Scorpion carefully held a box of cards out to him. Steve was dumbfounded, but nodded anyways. Hill and Fury looked grateful, Natasha was smiling widely, and Sam stood in the corner of the room, respect for the Scorpion visible in his eyes.

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