Chapter 22: In Which Melinda Reunites With Her Ex-Husband

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Hello!! I'm sorry for not being active at all for the last several months. I'm going to be candid with you guys and tell you that the reason why is because I've been struggling to effectively manage my ADHD, and I've had like no time to write. Anyways, here's another chapter. Mostly Agents of SHIELD plot, but not all of you watch that anyways. Some other plot as well. Here we goooooo!

- Spathi

Actually wait.

It's been a while since I updated (duh).

So, here's a review of the main characters and also the characters in this chapter:

Percy Jackson: Son of Poseidon, Savior of Olympus, Slayer-of-insert-like-half-of-Greek-Mythology-here, The Sea Scorpion, Natasha Romanoff's little bro.

Natasha Romanov: Adoptive Daughter of Mars, Avenger, BAMF, The Black Widow, older sister of Percy Jackson.

Bruce Banner: Son of Hephaestus, Avenger, Bane of Loki tbh, The Incredible Hulk, Natasha Romanoff's love interest.

Melinda May: Daughter of Aquilon, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Kickass Pilot and Super Spy, You-Don't-Know-This-Yet, Natasha's S.O. as well as another character's something else.

Phil Coulson: Mortal, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D./Officially Dead Guy/ Gov Man In Suit/The Director, N/A, May's BFF/Possibly Something Else.

Skye: a girl with earthquake powers bc she's an Inhuman (meaning she's part alien), and her powers just got awakened. Before that she was a hacker. She's May's trainee, and v troubled. She thought she was an orphan, but her dad's alive, and also kind of a psychopath. Feels a bit traumatized because she thinks she killed her friend Trip.

Antoine "Trip" Triplett: Good agent whose grandad was one of the famed Howling Commandos (read Steve and Bucky's War Buddies), assumed to be dead bc the agents in the last chapter found some stone rubble that looked like him (no medusa was not involved) but actually that's just his cocoon thing from Terrigenesis and he passed through the rocks and then Percy got him the heck outta there.

Sunil Bakshi: Mortal, irrelevant Hydra dude, no one cares about this guy.

General Talbot: That one general who's friends with General Ross (you know, the jerk from Incredible Hulk and Civil War), in the comics had an interesting relationship with SOMEBODY's ex, which I may or may not put in. However, on AoS, he's kinda a jerk, but not a terrible person.

Barbara "Bobbi" Morse: In the comics, the character known as Mockingbird who is another SOMEBODY's ex (not sure if I'm putting that in there yet), capable spy, pretty good at interrogation, also likes chemistry I think.

Lance Hunter: a mercenary turned agent who is British, and also he's kind of a jerk, but has a good heart. He and Bobbi have the most complicated relationship ever because they've been married and divorced several times, but they still love each other sooo

Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie: Big tough agent who is super serious, pretty level-headed, but more than just the muscle. Likes to repair cars, tho.

Jemma Simmons: Brilliant biochemist from England who is eager and curious, but currently kinda afraid of super-powery stuff given all that's happened recently (trip's "death", aliens, etc.) Had honestly accidentally written as Jemma Fitz because she and that boy are inseparable. Are literally referred to as a collective as Fitzsimmons by basically everybody which means that they came with their own ship name. Because they are in love, but also AoS writers give them so much angst.

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