Chapter 23: In Which Melinda Decides That The Way Things Are Going Is Stupid

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Realizing I haven't put the date in a while, lol. Also, I've decided to start diverging from S.H.I.E.L.D. canon more, as the title implies. Not actually THAT Melinda-centric tho. She's actually not in here for that long. Should also mention: AoU's arc is approaching, so that means some relationship development so everything is in place for that. It's kind of filler, I think. Hope you like the chapter!

January 2014

Percy's P.O.V.

"... and that's what C.H.A.O.S. is." he heard Natasha explain as he walked into the conference room. All eyes turned to him as he entered.

"Oh, look who's back from the dead. We were just about to hold your funeral." his sister joked.

"Wouldn't be the first time I walked into my own service." Percy pointed out, smiling.

"Well, while you were out, I explained our little operation, so you're welcome." Natasha told him.

"Thanks, sis. Okay, any remaining questions about C.H.A.O.S. before we return you to your places?" the son of the sea asked.

"Why are you doing this?" Lian May wondered.

"Because we can, really." Percy responded, shrugging. The May-Zhang family seemed to find that an acceptable answer.

"Any other questions?" Natasha ventured. Nobody raised their hands.

"Awesome. So, one more thing: to the demigod camps, my name is Percy Jackson. To those on this ship, my name is Alexios or Alex, the guy they call the Sea Scorpion. To literally everyone else, I'm just the Sea Scorpion, no name attached. It's very important that it stays that way, alright?" Percy warned, and everybody voiced their agreement.

"Perfect. Now, where do you all want to go? We can arrange transport to pretty much everywhere; just follow me to the hangar." Natasha said, gesturing for the May-Zhang family to follow her.

With the exception of May, the entire family left the room. Percy turned towards the older agent, his head cocked to the side.

"What's up?" the son of the sea asked. Melinda took a deep breath.

"I need your help. Skye's in danger, and I can't blow my cover." she started.

"So, I should come with you and keep her safe?" Percy suggested.

"Not what I was going to ask, but if you could do that, that would be great." May responded. Percy shrugged.

"Well, it's not as if I'm doing anything that crazy right now. I shut down Hydra bases, mostly. And eliminate terrible people." he pointed out.

"Isn't there a small problem with the fact that you're basically running an organization of vigilantism? Aren't there supposed to be trials and things?" May wondered.

"Well, we don't really kill the people we target. It seems like we do, and we make it seem like that on purpose, but we actually run them through the legal system. We've got two lawyers, you know. One is this awesome guy named Matt Murdock; he's blind, but still kicks ass. The other's name is Jennifer Walters. They're our prosecution team. Basically, we allow them to get their lawyers, take the case to court with all evidence that has been legally collected, have their victims testify, get them charged, and then we stick them into a remote holding cell. We have it all recorded on physical files and also on video, with signatures from all parties as well. Then, we go in and alter the memories of all civilians involved; it's reversible if we need them to remember what really happened, though. So technically we're not vigilantes; we're an extension of the law. I mean, when I was first starting out, I did kill some people, and that's how I got my reputation, but it was never unprovoked. I always acted in self-defense or defense of another, so Matt and Jennifer were able to build up a pretty solid case on my behalf. If I ever need it, they're pretty confident that they can prove I was completely justified in all cases. It also helps that ever since I was hired as private security of Avengers Tower, by law, I'm legally allowed to use lethal force to defend all my clients. Seeing as I often show up to defend my sister, who is one of my clients, I'm justified there as well. Also, C.H.A.O.S. is carefully constructed as a top-secret division related to S.H.I.E.L.D., so there's also that. And finally, most of our members are legally dead. It's actually not illegal to fake a death, and we don't have an issue of fraud or false identity, either. None of the legally dead members ever leave without a mask, and they live up here, completely separate from society. They don't have citizenships, social security numbers, or identities really. They don't even earn any money, because technically, they don't exist. Of course, when saved, they have a choice to go back, but if they choose not to, their family gets their life insurance, and also guaranteed support from us for the rest of their lives. "

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